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Gli articoli di ISMAR su "Le Scienze"

Numerosi articoli di ricercatori Ismar vengono citati nella pagina on line del mensile di divulgazionie scientifica.

Sunday 04 December 2011

Gli articoli di ISMAR su

Di recenteil il mensile "Le Scienze" ha iniziato a dare spazio alle pubblicazioni internazionali dei ricercatori italiani.

Il servizio è visibile già dalla home page della rivista ed ha una sua specifica collocazione al link "pubblicazioni dei ricercatori italiani".


Tra i primi articoli segnalati da Le Scienze:

The Calabrian Arc subduction complex in the Ionian Sea: Regional architecture, active deformation, and seismic hazard

Tectonics, n°30 (28 Ottobre 2011)
di Polonia A., Torelli L., Mussoni P., Gasperini L., Artoni A., Klaeschen D.

We analyzed the structure and evolution of the external Calabrian Arc (CA) subduction complex through an integrated geophysical approach involving multichannel and single-channel seismic ...

River water and nutrient discharges in the Northern Adriatic Sea: current importance and long term changes

Continental Shelf Research, n°31 (03 Settembre 2011)
di Cozzi Stefano, Giani Michele

Runoff and nutrient transport by rivers were analysed in the Northern Adriatic continental shelf, in order to evaluate their interannual and multidecal variability, as well as their current ...

The genus Haedropleura (Neogastropoda, Toxoglossa=Conoidea) in the Plio"Quaternary of the Mediterranean basin

Zootaxa, n°2796 (21 Marzo 2011)
di Scarponi Daniele, Della Bella Giano, Ceregato Alessandro

The Plio"Quaternary representatives of Haedropleura Monterosato in Bucquoy, Dautzenberg & Dollfus, 1883 are revised. Protoconch and teleoconch characters of 84 fossil and ...

A Molecular Phylogeny of Bivalve Mollusks: Ancient Radiations and Divergences as Revealed by Mitochondrial Genes.

PLoS ONE, n°6 (01 Novembre 2011)
di Plazzi Federico, Ceregato Alessandro, Taviani Marco, Passamonti Marco

Background Bivalves are very ancient and successful conchiferan mollusks (both in terms of species number and geographical distribution). Despite their importance in marine ...

Atmospheric CO(2) concentrations and delta(13)C over western and eastern Mediterranean basins during summer 2007

ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, n°45 (01 Ottobre 2011)
di Longinelli Antonio, Langone Leonardo, Ori Carlo, Selmo Enricomaria

During summer 2007, two survey cruises covered large sections of both western and eastern Mediterranean basins. Atmospheric CO(2) concentrations were measured with a Siemens Ultramat 5E ...

Geomorphology and sedimentary processes of a modern confined braided submarine channel belt (Stromboli slope valley, southeastern Tyrrhenian Sea)

di Gamberi Fabiano, Marani Michael

The deposits of confined submarine channel belts are important reservoirs for oil and gas, and their study can furnish insight into the behavior of sediment gravity flows. Modern examples ...

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