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EuroLag 9 - 2020

Conferenza su scienza, ricerca e gestione delle Lagune Costiere organizzata da Ismar Venezia. 20-24 Gennaio 2020.

Wednesday 22 January 2020

EuroLag 9 - 2020

La nona conferenza EUROLAG sulle lagune costiere e gli ambienti di transizione si terrà a Venezia il 20-24 gennaio 2020 presso la Scuola Grande di San Marco, 6777 Campo dei Santi Giovanni e Paolo. La conferenza è dedicata alle questioni scientifiche, di ricerca e di gestione relative alle lagune e alle aree di transizione.

Il convegno è organizzato dall'Istituto di Scienze Marine (ISMAR) del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, dal Consorzio per la ricerca lagunare (Corila) e dall'Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia.

Durante i 5 giorni della conferenza ci saranno sessioni tematiche ed esposizione di poster. La sede ha una capienza massima di 200 persone, quindi non aspettare troppo a lungo per registrarsi.

Oltre all'eccellente contenuto scientifico, saranno organizzate visite guidate speciali a Venezia e una visita esclusiva e privata (non turistica!) alla Basilica di San Marco prima della cena congressuale. A causa delle limitazioni di spazio, vi invitiamo ad organizzare incontri in giornate consecutive prima (18-19 gennaio) o dopo (25-26 gennaio) le date della conferenza.



Coastal lagoons and estuaries are unique systems that offer a large number of goods and services. They are highly productive and include important fisheries and aquaculture exploitations, playing an important role in biogeochemical cycles, protecting and promoting the genetic diversity of the species that inhabit or use them as refuge or nursery. They are ideal for water sports, having a high tourist and recreational value, and can also be used as mesocosm for scientific research and educational projects. However, for the same reasons, these environments are exposed to many human pressures that could affect their biodiversity, resilience or even the entire functioning of the ecosystems they represent.
Due to the high degree of heterogeneity and complexity of the hydrodynamic and the ecological processes that are inherent to these ecosystems, new research and experience gained through observation networks need to be strengthened to further develop, preserve and manage their potential.
This symposium seeks to bring together scientists, managers and stakeholders to discuss new scientific findings and experiences on the knowledge and use of coastal lagoons, from cold-fresh-water Baltic lagoons to the warm-hyperhaline lagoons in the Mediterranean.
A part from the usual session themes that the conference is dealing with, this year we have one session dedicated to European Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) and its relations with data FAIRness. We anticipate that the issues connected with these topics will be ever more relevant in the next years, and we would like to discuss their relevance for lagoons and transitional areas.
The Eurolag conference that is held every 2 years starting from 2003. Even if the initial focus was on European lagoons, for many years we now welcome also colleagues from other continents.

Session Proposals:

  1. FAIR data and research infrastructure assets: best practice, existing gaps and opportunities supporting future lagoon research
  2. From source to sink: lagoons between watersheds, rivers and the sea
  3. Linking biodiversity organization, ecosystem functioning, and ecosystem services in transitional waters
  4. Long-term ecological research in transitional waters
  5. Managing climate and environmental challenges and opportunities through sustainable integrated socio-ecological approaches
  6. Sediment management in lagoons and estuaries
  7. Ecological restoration of transitional aquatic ecosystems
  8. Lagoons in a changing world, past and present – archeology, resilience and adaptation in lagoons
  9. Observation systems for lagoon ecosystems: from land to water to air
  10. Response of lagoon environments to changes in global and local climate
  11. Public engagement and citizens’ science
  12. Dealing with coastal lagoons for nature-based solutions and Maritime Spatial Planning



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