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de Alteriis Giovanni

de Alteriis Giovanni

1984: Laurea in Scienze Geologiche, Università degli Studi, Napoli, Tesi sperimentale: "Applicazione di una nuova tecnologia K-Ar alla datazione di rocce vulcaniche recenti”. Rel. Prof. L. Civetta, 110/110 e lode
1992: DeA Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies, Université Bretagne Occidentale, Brest France
1993: Ammesso a PhD in Geosciences Marines, IFREMER, Brest France

ISMAR - Sezione di Napoli
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, CNR
Calata Porta di Massa, Porto di Napoli
80133 Napoli ITALY
fax +39 081 5423888


  1. Tinti S., Chiocci F.L., Zaniboni F., Pagnoni G., de Alteriis G., 2011. Numerical simulation of the tsunami generated by a past catastrophic landslide on the volcanic island of Ischia, Italy. Marine Geophysical Researches, 32, 287-297.
  2. de Alteriis, G., Insinga D., Morabito S., Morra V., Chiocci, F.L., Terrasi, F., Lubritto, C., Di Benedetto, C., Pazzanese, M., 2010. Age of submarine debris avalanches and tephrostratigraphy offshore Ischia island, Tyrrhenian sea, Italy. Marine Geology, 278,1-18.
  3. Zitellini, N., Gràcia, E., Matias, L, Terrinha, P., Abreu, M.A., de Alteriis, G., Henriet, J.P., Dañobeitia, J.J., Masson, D.G., Mulder, T., Ramella, R., Somoza L., and Diez, S., 2009. The Quest for the Africa-Eurasia plate boundary West of the Strait of Gibraltar. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 280, 13-50.



  1. Chiocci F. L. and G. de Alteriis, 2006. The Ischia debris avalanche. First, clear submarine evidence in the Mediterranean of a volcanic island pre-historic collapse. Terra Nova, 18, 202-209.


  1. de Alteriis G., Passaro S. & R. Tonielli, 2003. New, high resolution Swath Bathymetry of Gettysburg and Ormonde seamounts (Gorringe Bank, eastern Atlantic) and first geological results. Marine Geophysical Researches, 24 (3-4), 223-244.


  1. Bruno P. P., de Alteriis G. and Florio G., 2002. The western undersea section of the Ischia volcanic complex (Italy, Tyrrhenian sea) inferred from marine geophysical data. Geophysical Research Letters, 29/9, 1029-1034.


  1. de Alteriis G., Gilg-Capar L. & J. L. Olivet, 1998. Matching satellite-derived gravity signatures and seismicity patterns along mid-ocean ridges. Terranova10:4, 177-182.


  1. de Alteriis G., 1996. Different foreland basins in Italy: examples from the central and southern Adriatic Sea. Tectonophysics, 252, 349-373.


  1. de Alteriis G., Auzende J. M., Bendel V., Gracia Mont E., Huchon P., Lagabrielle Y., Ondréas H., Ruellan E. and M. Tanahashi, 1993. Propagating rifts in the North Fiji Basin (southwest Pacific). Geology, 21, 583-586.


  1. de Alteriis G., Aiello G., 1993. Stratigraphy and tectonics offshore of Puglia (Italy, South Adriatic Sea). Marine Geology ,  113, 233-253.
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