Sparnocchia Stefania
Laurea in Fisica, 1989, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”.
Borsa di studio in Scienze della Terra – Oceanografia, 1991, CNR-ISDGM, Stazione Oceanografica, La Spezia (IT).
Borsa di studio in Scienze della Terra – Oceano e Clima, 1993, ENEA, La Spezia (IT).
Borsa di studio NATO-CNR per senior in Scienze Fisiche – Oceano, 1998, NCSU, Raleigh, NC (USA).
CNR - Istituto di Scienze Marine
Area Science Park - Basovizza - Edificio Q2
Strada Statale 14 - Km. 163.5
I-34149 Trieste - Italy
Phone Mobile: +39 3666594647
Ricercatrice in oceanografia fisica con esperienza nel settore sperimentale e dell’analisi dei dati, ha capacità di gestione di strumentazione marina di vario tipo. I suoi studi riguardano il Mar Mediterraneo e comprendono in modo particolare la dinamica della circolazione marina, la distribuzione e il trasporto di proprietà chimico-fisiche, la variabilità oceanica a diverse scale spazio-temporali, le interazioni aria-mare. E' impegnata dal 2009 su temi relativi allo sviluppo tecnologico e alla valorizzazione delle infrastrutture di ricerca marina.
- Membro dell'editorial Board di Special Publications of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, IIUGG e Cambridge University Press, dal 2016.
- Guest editor del numero speciale "Coastal marine infrastructure in support of monitoring, science and policy strategies". Ocean Science,
- Guest editor del numero speciale “Progress in marine science supported by European joint coastal observation systems: The JERICO-RI research infrastructure”, Journal of Marine Systems, Volume 162, Pages 1-154 (October 2016),
- Guest editor del numero speciale “Physical, chemical and biological oceanography of the Mediterranean Sea” di Ocean Science, 2013-2015,
- Attività di revisione per Deep Sea Research, Oceanologica Acta, Journal of Marine Systems, Journal of Physical Oceanography, Ocean Science, Global and Planetary Change, Progress in Oceanography
- Guerra D., Schroeder K., Borghini M., Camatti E., Pansera M., Schroeder A., Sparnocchia S., Chiggiato J.: Zooplankton diel vertical migration in the Corsica Channel (north-western Mediterranean Sea) detected by a moored acoustic Doppler current profiler. Ocean Science, 15:631-649, 2019,
- Smythe-Wrigth D., Gould W.J., McDougall T.J., Sparnocchia S., Woodworth P.: IAPSO: tales from the ocean frontier. Hystory of Geo- and Space Sciences, 10:137-150, 2019,
- Durante S., Schroeder K., Mazzei L., Pierini S., Borghini M., Sparnocchia S.: Permanent thermohaline staircases in the Thyrrenian Sea. Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 2019,
- Schroeder K., Chiggiato J., Josey S.A., Borghini M., Aracri S., Sparnocchia S.: Raoid response to climate change in a marginal Sea. Scientific Reports, 7:4065, 2017, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-04455-5.
- Puillat I., Farcy P., Durand D., Karlson B., Petihakis G., Seppala J., Sparnocchia S.: Progress in marine science supported by European joint coastal observation systems: The JERICO-RI research infrastructure, Journal of Marine Systems, 162, 1–3, 2016,
- Aydoğdu A., Pinardi N., Pistoia J., Martinelli M, Belardinelli A., Sparnocchia S.: Assimilation experiments for the Fishery Observing System in the Adriatic Sea, Journal of Marine Systems, 162, 126–136, 2016,
- Sparnocchia S., Nair R., Petihakis G., Aydoğdu A., Dobricic S., Farcy P., Martinelli M., Petersen W., Petit de la Villeon L.: An inter-linked Coastal Observatory Network for Europe, Journal of Operational Oceanography, 9:sup1, 193-201, 2016,
- Aracri S., Borghini M., Canesso D., Chiggiato J., Durante S., Schroeder K., Sparnocchia S., Vetrano A., Honda T, Kitawaza K., Kawahara H., Nakamura T.: Trials of an autonomous profiling buoy system, Journal of Operational Oceanography, 9:sup1, 176-184, 2016,
- Patti B., Martinelli M., Aronica S., Belardinelli A., Penna P., Bonanno A., Basilone G., Fontana I., Giacalone G., Gallì N.G., Sorgente R., Angileri I.V.M., Croci C., Domenichetti F., Bonura D., Santojanni A., Sparnocchia S., D’Adamo R., Marini M., Fiorentino F., Mazzola S.: The Fishery and Oceanography Observing System (FOOS): a tool for oceanography and fisheries science. Journal of Operational Oceanography, 9:sup1, 99-118, 2016,
- Meccia V.L., Simoncelli S., Sparnocchia S.: Decadal variability of the Turner Angle in the Mediterranean Sea and its implications for double diffusion, Deep Sea Research Part I, 114, 64-77, 2016.
- Martinelli M., Guicciardi S., Penna P., Belardinelli A., Croci C., Domenichetti F., Santojanni A., Sparnocchia S.: Evaluation of the oceanographic measurement accuracy of different commercial sensors to be used on fishing gears, Ocean Eng., 111, 22-33, 2016, doi:
- Meccia V.L., Borghini M., Sparnocchia S.: Abyssal circulation and hydrographic conditions in the Western Ionian Sea during Spring–Summer 2007 and Autumn–Winter 2007–2008. Deep Sea Research Part I, 104, 26-40, 2015.
- Puillat I., Farcy P., Durand D., Petihakis G., Morin P., Kriegger M., Petersen W., Joaquin Tintoré J., Sorensen K., Sparnocchia S., Wehde H.: Strategy for sustainability of the Joint European Research Infrastructure Network for Coastal Observatories – JERICO. IEEE Conference Publications, OCEANS 2015 - MTS/IEEE Washington, 2222-2229, 2015, ISBN: 978-1-4673-9374-4.
- Sparnocchia S., Borghini M., Durante S., Meccia V. Giordano A., Biasini G.: From the seafloor to the sea surface: A technical solution for the cabled EMSO-SN1 observatory in the Western Ionian Sea. OCEANS 2015 - Genova, IEEE Conference Publications, 1321-1325, 2015, DOI: 10.1109/OCEANS-Genova.2015.7271527, ISBN: 978-1-4799-8737-5.
- Sparnocchia S., Farcy P., Delory E.: The trans-national access in FP7 and H2020: A tool for sensor testing, observing system validation and collaborative research. Sensor Systems for a Changing Ocean (SSCO), 2014 IEEE, 88-90, 2014, DOI:10.1109/SSCO.2014.7000381, ISBN: 978-1-4799-5949-5.
- Bryden H., Schroeder K., Sparnocchia S., Borghini M, Vetrano A.: Thermohaline Staircases in the Western Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Marine Research, 72, 1–18, 2014..
- Olita A., Sparnocchia S., Cusí S., L. Fazioli L., Sorgente R., Tintoré J., Ribotti A.: Observations of a phytoplankton spring bloom onset triggered by a density front in NW Mediterranean. Ocean Sci., 10, 657–666, 2014,, doi: 10.5194/os-10-657-2014 [Also in Ocean Sci. Discuss., 10, 1559–1580, 2013, doi:10.5194/osd-10-1559-2013]
- Cozzi S., Mistraro A., Sparnocchia S., Colugnati L., Bajt O., Loredana T.: Anthropogenic loads and biogeochemical role of urea in the Gulf of Trieste. Science of the Total Environment, 493, 271-281, 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.05.148
- Borghini M., Bryden H. L., Schroeder K., Sparnocchia S., Vetrano A.: The Mediterranean Is Getting Saltier. Ocean Sci., 10, 1–16, 2014,, doi:10.5194/os-10-1-2014 [Also in Ocean Sci. Discuss., 11, 1–18, 2014, doi:10.5194/osd-11-1-2014].
- Bryden H., Schroeder K., Borghini M., Vetrano A., Sparnocchia S: Mixing in the deep waters of the western Mediterranean Sea. In The Mediterranean Sea: Temporal Variability and Spatial Patterns, edited by G. L. E. Borzelli, American Geophysical Union Monograph Series105, ISBN-13: 9781118847343, 51-58, 2014.
- Journal of Instrumentation, 8, T03006, 2013, doi:10.1088/1748-0221/8/03/T03006.
- ., 9, 301–324, 2013, doi:10.5194/os-9-301-2013 [Also in Ocean Sci. Discuss., 9, 1741-1812, doi:10.5194/osd-9-1741-2012]. Ocean Sci
- Sparnocchia S., Gasparini G.P., Schroeder K., Borghini M.: Oceanographic conditions in the NEMO region during the KM3NeT project (April 2006–May 2009). Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 626-627, S87-S90, 2011, doi:10.1016/j.nima.2010.06.231.
- Picco P., Cappelletti A., Sparnocchia S., Schiano M.E., Pensieri S., Bozzano R.: Upper layer currents variability in the Central Ligurian Sea. Ocean Science, 6, 825-836, 2010 doi:10.5194/os-6-825-2010 [Also in Ocean Sci. Discuss., 7, 445–475, 2010].
- Sparnocchia S., Nair R., Russo A., Ribera D'Alcalà M.: Temperatura, salinità e densità. In: Socal G., Buttino I., Cabrini M., Mangoni O., Penna A., Totti C. (eds.), Metodologie di studio del plancton marino, ISPRA Manuali e Linee Guida 56/2010, ISBN 978-88-448, 2010.
- Gasparini G.P., Schroder K., Sparnocchia S.: Straits and Channels as key regions of an integrated marine observatory of the Mediterranean: our experience on their long-term monitoring. In Towards an integrated system of Mediterranean marine observatories, F. Briand (Ed.), CIESM Workshop Monographs, No 34, 75-79, 2008.
- Schiano M.E., Sparnocchia S., Bozzano R., Pensieri S.: Un nuovo indicatore climatico per il Mediterraneo: la densità di vapore alla superficie del mare. In Clima e cambiamenti climatici: le attività di ricerca del CNR, Ed. CNR (ISBN 978-88-8080-075-0), 105-108, 2007.
- Bozzano R., Pensieri S., Schiano M.E., Sparnocchia S., Borghini M., Picco P.: La Boa meteo-oceanografica ODAS-Italia1:un laboratorio marino d’altura, In Clima e cambiamenti climatici: le attività di ricerca del CNR, Ed. CNR (ISBN 978-88-8080-075-0), 337-340, 2007.
- Picco P., Bozzano R., Schiano M.E., Bordone A., Borghin M., Di Nallo G., Pensieri S., Schirone A., Sparnocchia S.: Marine Observing Systems from fixed platform in the Ligurian Sea. Selected papers from the first workshop dedicated to the meteo-marine data archivi Archimede. Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica e Applicata, 48 (3), 227-239, 2007.
- Sparnocchia S., Schiano M.E. , Picco P., Bozzano R., Cappelletti A.: The anomalous warming of summer 2003 in the surface layer of the Central Ligurian Sea (Western Mediterranean). Annales Geophysicae, 24, 443-452, 2006.
- Schiano M. E., Sparnocchia S., Cappa C., Bozzano R.: An analysis of the climate variability over the Mediterranean Sea by means of the surface water vapour density. International Journal of Climatology, 25, 1731-1748, 2005.
- Gasparini G.P., Smeed D.A., Alderson S., Sparnocchia S., Vetrano A., Mazzola S.: Tidal and subtidal currents in the Strait of Sicily. Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, C02011, 2004, doi:10.1029/2003JC002011.
- Sparnocchia S., Pinardi N., Demirov E.: Multivariate Empirical Orthogonal Function analysis of the upper thermocline structure of the Mediterranean Sea from observations and model simulations.Annales Geophysicae, 21, 167-187, 2003.
- Grezio A., Pinardi N., Sparnocchia S., Zavatarelli M.: The Study of Seasonal Variability in the Adriatic Sea with the use of EOF Analysis. In Building the European Capacity in Operational Oceanography, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on EuroGOOS, 3-6 December 2002, Athens, Greece, H. Dahlin, N.C. Flemming, K. Nittis e S.E. Petersson (Eds), Elsevier Oceanography Series, No. 69, 222-225, 2003.
- Pinardi N., Demirov E., Tonani M., Giacomelli L., Fratianni C. and MFSPP partners (Bassini S., Dandin P., De Mey P., Le Traon P.-Y., Manzella G., Sparnocchia S): Mediterrannean Forecasting System: first phase of implementation. In Operational Oceanography – Implementation at the European and Regional Scales, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on EuroGOOS, 11-13 March 1999, Rome, Italy, Flemming N.C., Vallerga S., Pinardi N., Behrens H.W.A., Manzella G., Prandle D., Stel J.H. (Eds), Elsevier Oceanography Series, No. 66, 2002.
- Buongiorno Nardelli B., Santoleri R., Sparnocchia S.: Small mesoscale features at a meandering upper-ocean front in the Western Ionian Sea (Mediterranean Sea): vertical motion and potential vorticity analysis. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 31 (8), 2227–2250, 2001.
- Sparnocchia S., Gasparini G.P., Astraldi M., Borghini M., Pistek P.: Dynamics and mixing of the Eastern Mediterranean Outflow in the Tyrrhenian basin. Journal of Marine Systems, 20(1-4), 301-317, 1999.
- Gasparini G.P., Zodiatis G., Astraldi M., Sparnocchia S.: Winter Intermediate Water lenses in the Ligurian Sea. Journal of Marine Systems, 20(1-4), 319-332, 1999.
- Böhm E., Buongiorno Nardelli B., Brunet C., Casotti R., Conversano F., Corato F., D’Acunzo E., D’Ortenzio F., Iudicone D., Lazzara L., Mangoni O., Marcelli M., Marullo S., Massi L., Mori G., Nuccio C., Ribera d’Alcalà M., Saggiomo V., Santoleri R., Scardi M., Sparnocchia S., Tozzi S., Zoffoli S.: SYMPLEX Experiment: first results on oceanic mesoscale dynamics and related primary production from AVHRR and SeaWIFS satellite data and field experiments. SPIE Vol. 3496, 1998.
- Bonnefond P., Exertier P., Menard Y., Jeansou E., Manzella G., Sparnocchia S., Barlier F.: Calibration of radar altimeters and validation of orbit determination in the Corsica-Capraia area, 3rd ERS Scientific Symposium on Space at the service of our Environment, Florence, Italy, 15-21 March 1997, Eds. G. Kohlhammer, T.D. Guyenne & D. Danesy, ESA SP-414 Vol. III, 1525-1528, 1997.
- Astraldi M., Gasparini G.P., Sparnocchia S., Moretti M., Sansone E.: The characteristics of the water masses and the water transport in the Sicily Strait at long time scales. In Dynamics of Mediterranean Straits and Channels, F. Briand (ed.), Bulletin del l’Institut Océanographique, Monaco, no spécial 17, CIESM Science Series no 2, 95-115, 1996.
- Sparnocchia S., Picco P., Manzella G.M.R., Ribotti A., Copello S., Brasey P.: Intermediate water formation in the Ligurian Sea. Oceanologica Acta, 18(2), 151-162, 1995.
- EURO MODEL Group (Lehucher P.M., Beautier L., Chartier M., Martel F., Mortier L., Brehmer P., Millot C., Alberola C., Benzhora M., Taupier-Letage I., Chabert d'Hieres G., Didelle H., Gleizon P., Obaton D., Crépon M., Herbaut C., Madec G., Speich S., Nihoul J., Beckers J. M., Brasseur P., Deleersnijder E., Djenidi S., Font J., Castellon A., Garcia-Ladona E., Lopez-Garcia M. J., Manriquez M., Maso M., Salat J., Tintore J., Alonso S., Gomis D., Viudez A., Astraldi M., Bacciola D., Borghini M., Dell'Amico F., Galli C., Lazzoni E., Gasparini G. P., Sparnocchia S., Harzallah A.): Progress from 1989 to 1992 in understanding the circulation of the Western Mediterranean sea. Oceanologica Acta, 18(2), 255-271, 1995
- Astraldi M., Gasparini G.P., Sparnocchia S.: The Seasonal and Interannual Variability in the Ligurian-Povencal Basin. In Seasonal and Interannual Variability of the Western Mediterranean Sea, P.E. La Violette (Ed.), Coastal and Estuarine Studies vol. 46, AGU, 93-113, 1994.
- Sparnocchia S., Manzella G.M.R., La Violette P.E.: The Interannual and Seasonal Variability of the MAW and LIW Core Properties in the Western Mediterranean Sea. In Seasonal and Interannual Variability of the Western Mediterranean Sea, P.E. La Violette (Ed.), Coastal and Estuarine Studies vol. 46, AGU, 177-194, 1994.
- Astraldi M., Gasparini G.P., Pistek P., Sparnocchia S.: La circolazione nel Mar Ligure durante l'incidente della HAVEN. Atti del X Congresso Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Oceanografia e Limnologia, 87-96, 1992.
- Pase S., Parisi M., Sparnocchia S., Salusti E., Storini M.: Linear and non linear autoregression methods applied to the hourly cosmic ray records. I Forbush decreases, Annales Geophysicae, 8(12), 799 808, 1990.
- Bracalari M., Salusti E., Sparnocchia S., Zambianchi E.: On the role of the Froude number in geostrophic coastal currents around Italy, Oceanologica Acta, 12(2), 161 166, 1989.
- Salusti E., Sparnocchia S.: Applicazione di un metodo autoregressivo non lineare al tremore vulcanico di Stromboli, Bollettino del Gruppo Nazionale di Geofisica, Ed. Universitaria Litografia Felici, Pisa, 526 538, 1988.