Conferenza Esplorare il mare, oceanografia e perle sommerse nel “Mare Nostrum” all'Esof di Torino
Conferenza Esplorare il mare, oceanografia e perle sommerse nel “Mare Nostrum” all'Esof di Torino, il 5/7 17:30 - 19:30, presso il Circolo dei Lettori, via Bogino, 9 - Torino
- TG5 interview on jellyfish allarm and sea warming
Wednesday 25 May 2011Marco Faimali, ISMAR-CNR researcher, interviewed by TG5 on may 23rd on the effects of sea warming and jellyfish growing. Go inside to watch the interview
- Night of the researchers. September 2011 in 15 italian cities
Monday 16 May 2011Following the growing partecipation in the first two editions, the 2011 event will see the cooperation of many research centres and local governaments to celebrate 150 years since Unification of Italy. Bologna opens the show / exhibit "A Matter of... chemistry"