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E-fishing 2012. 2° Simposio Internazionale sull'Efficienza energetica delle imbarcazioni da pesca

Vigo, Spain, 22nd - 24th of May 2012. Deadline per la ricezione degli extended abstract posticipata al 1 dicembre 2012

Ismar at RAI Radio 2
Tuesday 23 August 2011
During the broadcast of "Miracolo Italiano" an interview with M.Faimali regarding the state of the sea and Ismar role.
An offshore lab
Sunday 21 August 2011
Article on the CNR ligurian lab-buoy on the italian newspaper "Repubblica" (16/8/2011)
"Bricole" from wood to plastic
Saturday 13 August 2011
On "La Nuova Venezia" (italian newspaper) an interview to D.Talgiapietra (ISMAR) regarding the new polyurethane poles in the Venice Lagoon: is it vanishing one of the iconographic symbols of Venice?
New Ismar videos
Friday 12 August 2011
Interviews and presentations of 2011 Ismar scientific activity
Impact Factor 2010 now on line
Tuesday 09 August 2011
Available on ISI Web of Knowledge site the updates of the 2010 impact factor of international journals
At Geo Magazine (RAI 3) An in-depth on the first episode on jellyfish.
Monday 01 August 2011
Marco Castellazzi interviews Ferdinando Boero, professor of zoology at the University of Salento-CoNISMa and associated with CNR-ISMAR (07/19/11). Two more episodes will follow.
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