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Roundtable for Policy makers

InnovaMare partnership consortium is organizing the roundtable to foster dialogue and exchange best practices in the field of Blue Economy and innovative blue technologies. Venice February 18-19, 2021

Tuesday 16 February 2021

Roundtable for Policy makers

InnovaMare partnership consortium is organizing Roundtable in Venezia in February. Roundtable will be addressed at policy-makers, to foster dialogue and exchange best practices in the field of Blue Economy and innovative blue technologies, enhancing cross-sectoral cooperation to support the creation of favourable framework conditions for a cross-border innovation ecosystem enabling growth, competitiveness and technological leadership in the field of underwater robotics and sensors.

Invitation to take part to an online Roundtable for policy makers and stakeholders on Blue economy and blue technologies (18-19/02/2021)

The Unioncamere del Veneto invites you to the Round Table for policy makers and stakeholders in the blue economy and blue technologies, as part of the InnovaMare project, which will take place online on February 18 and 19, 2021, organized by the Unioncamere del Veneto from Italy.

The Regional Union of the Chambers of Commerce of Veneto Region (Unioncamere del Veneto) is a partner of the strategic project InnovaMare «Blue technology - Developing innovative technologies for sustainability of Adriatic Sea», coordinated by the Croatian Chamber of Economy and co-financed by Interreg VA Italy-Croatia Programme (2014-2020). The activity is aimed at enhancing framework conditions at cross-border level by reinforcing capacities, both at strategical and operational level, to develop an innovation ecosystem promoting breakthrough technologies for the environmental sustainability of the Adriatic Sea, with a focus on underwater robotics and sensors. It will be a 2-days online Roundtable for Italian and Croatian policy-makers and stakeholders, to foster debate, transfer of knowledge and exchange of best practices related to such strategic topics, applying a quadruple helix approach.
European top-level experts will join the event as speakers, carrying out targeted interventions on key issues related to blue economy, sustainability of the Adriatic Sea, technological innovation, with the objective of gathering policy recommendations to support the development of a cross-border Innovation ecosystem in the field of underwater robotics and sensors.

We are glad to invite you to participate to the Roundtable, assisting to the foreseen working sessions, with the possibility to take part to the debate.

In case you need further information, do not hesitate to contact our team:
Roberta Lazzari, +39 041 099 9411,
MERAKI srl, Ilaria Marcolin and Valentina Colleselli,,

The link to register for the event is: and you will receive by email the link of zoom platform for the participation at the Round Table. 
Registration is possible until 17/02/2021. A simultaneous translation service (Croatian, English and Italian) is foreseen. The event will be recorded.

Please find agenda of InnovaMare Roundtable on this link.

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