Convegno Annuale Donne e Scienza
Modena il 21-22 Gennaio sui temi “Donne, Ricerca, Trasformazioni”. Patrocinio CNR-Ismar. Partecipano: Maria Chiara CARROZZA, Presidente del CNR (in video) e Maria Cristina MESSA, Ministra Università e Ricerca
- Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020: Alessandra Conversi introduces the opening plenary speaker Nainoa Thompson
Monday 09 March 2020The Senior Researcher (CNR-Ismar-Lerici), in her role as co-chair, speaks to a room packed with more than 3000 marine scientists, on Feb 16. Nainoa Thompson is the first native Hawaiian in 600 to practice the ancient Polynesian art of navigation, without the aid of modern instruments. His work has led to the cultural recovery of this navigation tradition, connected to the awareness of the value of ocean resources and of the climate change threat. Film available