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Il Mare Adriatico: ambiente, pesca e cultura

Convegno organizzato in collaborazione con CNR-Ismar e con interventi di numerosi ricercatori della Sede di Ancona. Ancona, 2-3 ottobre. Il passaggio al TG3 Marche

In memoriam Angelo Libertini
Saturday 26 February 2011
Zoologica Baetica, Journal of Zoology of the University of Granada includes a memory of Angelo Libertini by two German researchers: Traudl Krapp-Schickel e Franz Krapp
ICAN receives the portal "Atlas Lagoon of Venice"
Thursday 17 February 2011
Venice Local Governament, together with ISMAR, accomplishes a membership with the International Coastal Atlas Network fot the outreach of the web portal "Atlas Lagoon of Venice".
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