75th Hydrometrica Multibeam Course
Six-day course designed to provide a theoretical and practical background in multibeam survey technology. CNR - Bologna (May 21-26, 2018)
Monday 12 March 2018
Co-hosted by Ismar-CNR the comprehensive six-day course is designed to provide a theoretical and practical background in multibeam survey technology and techniques for hydrographic surveys, continental shelf boundary delimitation, offshore engineering, harbor dredging, fisheries habitat, route survey and scientific research, and provides overviews of:
- the technology and problems associated with multibeam surveys,
- quality control, processing and visualization techniques designed to address the complexities of swath mapping,
- constraints on using swath bathymetry to produce the highest quality data.
The course information flyer, with details about the instructors, the schedule and course preparation, and registration form is available at: http://hydrometrica.com/wp/upcoming-courses
For further information please
Lindsay Gee email mbcinfo@hydrometrica.com Tel +1 603 957 1461
Or, regarding the course in Bologna:
Alessandra Mercorella emailĀ alessandra.mercorella@bo.ismar.cnr.it Tel +39 051 6398922
Elisa Leidi emailĀ elisa.leidi@bo.ismar.cnr.it Tel + 39 051 6398922