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Section Head: Annamaria Correggiari tel. 051 6398909


Institute of Marine Sciences - National Research Council

Via Gobetti 101
40129 Bologna, Italy

Tel (+39) 051 639 8891
Fax (+39) 051 639 8939

The Bologna Section of  ISMAR, a branch of the National Research Council, was founded in 1968 as Laboratory for Marine Geology by Prof. Raimondo Selli, one of the first Italian geologists who promoted and conducted research investigations at sea. In 2003 the Bologna Institute joined 6 other CNR territorial sections (all studying marine topics) to constitute the Institute of Marine Sciences  (ISMAR). At present the Bologna Section has a permanent staff of 43 researchers/technicians plus around twenty permanent associates and about a dozen regular attendants, including scholarship holders, post-graduate and under-graduate students and represents a national level relevant reality for the scientific research in the marine geological field.

The Bologna Section of ISMAR carries out geological and oceanographic research projects in the Mediterranean Sea (with particular emphasis on the Italian seas) and in other areas of the world (Antarctica, Atlantic Ocean, Red Sea, Indian Ocean).


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