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Machine Learning from a mathematical perspective

Seminario di Elena Agliari, Università La Sapienza, Roma. Organizzato dalla sede di Roma e fruibile on line. Piattaforma Webex 1/7/2020 Ore 11

Friday 26 June 2020

Machine Learning from a mathematical perspective

11:00 1 July 2020 - Webex

Elena Agliari

Department of Mathematics "G. Castelnuovo"

Università La Sapienza, Roma

"Machine Learning from a mathematical perspective"


In this seminar I will first give a general introduction to neural networks and to the underlying mechanisms allowing for learning. Then, adopting a statistical-mechanics approach, I will explain in more details some standard techniques for their investigation along with the main results available; in this part I will especially focus on the Hopfield network (i.e., the paradigmatic model for retrieval tasks) and on the Boltzmann machine (i.e., the paradigmatic model for learning). I will conclude by summarizing recent researches and open challenges.

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