Stereo video measurements of extreme wave crests in the North Sea
Seminario di Mika Petteri Malila (Norwegian Meteorological Institute in Bergen). Organizzato da CNR-Ismar e fruibile on line. Piattaforma Webex GIOVEDI'' 18 novembre. Ore 14:30. Disponibile la registrazione dei seminari precedenti.
- On line: Habitat Paper n. 23: Lagoons, estuaries and deltas. A border between rivers and sea.
Monday 23 August 2010Information to increase the knowledge on the Venice Lagoon ecosystem. Ministry for the Environment, in cooperation with the Friulian Muesum of Natural History.
- The Tunguska Mistery at Superquark (RAI UNO): 9.20 pm, August 26th 2010
Monday 09 August 2010The popular television programme will deal with the new scenario of the 1908 explosion resulting from the italian expedition which involved ISMAR-CNR researchers
- Ready the volume: Methods of Study of Marine Plankton
Monday 09 August 2010After many tribulations, the Committee of plankton SIBM 2007-2009 will be able to finish editing the book "Methods of study of marine plankton" released in the series Manuals and Guidelines 56/2010, sponsored by ISPRA and SIBM.