The BlueS_Med project partners, school teachers and pupils will co-create projects to inspire action for the protection of the Mediterranean Sea, alongside local stakeholders. The main objective of BlueNIGHTs is to bring the many facets and faces of people working in ocean science & research to the general public of Europe by organising a series of interconnected EU “Blue” Researchers Nights.
Both projects are an opportunity to demonstrate that the ocean can be a source of inspiration, an object of interest or study, and a field of inquiry for people with very different backgrounds, hobbies and passions, including science, history, technology, sociology, pedagogy, economics, art, design, etc.
vai alla registrazione dei precedenti seminari
"Partecipando a questo incontro, accetti che lo stesso venga registrato e reso disponibile sul cloud di ISMAR. Dalla registrazione verranno eliminati lista dei partecipanti e chat"
Ricordiamo a tutti di tenere spento il proprio microfono. Accenderlo solo in caso di intervento.
“By accessing this meeting you acknowledge that it will be recorded and made available on the ISMAR cloud. Chat and participant list will not be recorded.”
We ask everybody to mute their microphone, unless intervening. Please write your questions in the chat
Il gruppo seminari CNR-ISMAR, Alessandra Conversi (Lerici), Filomena Loreto (Bologna), Gianluigi Liberti (Roma) e Camilla Palmiotto (Bologna).
link che potete trovare nella presentazione registrata
( Watch the recording on line (pw: nFsqC5TD):
Walking on the Sea Traces / Ocean Literacy (materiale in italiano): https://sites.google.com/view/camminandosulletraccedelmare/ocean-literacy
BlueS_Med project: https://www.blueschoolsmed.eu/
BlueNIGHTs project: https://bluenights.eu/
EU4Ocean: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/maritimeforum/en/node/4484
EU Blue School Network: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/maritimeforum/en/frontpage/1485
UN Ocean Conference 2022: https://www.un.org/en/conferences/ocean2022
EMSEA: https://www.emsea.eu/
NMEA: https://www.marine-ed.org/
AMEA: https://sites.google.com/view/asia-marine-ed/
OLI: https://oceanliteracyitalia.it/
Se volete affiliare un vostro evento/attività, nuovo o che comunque avete già in programma, al progetto BlueNIGHTs fatemi sapere che vi mando il logo BlueNIGHTs, il banner e la citazione del finanziamento EC.
Se siete interessati a far parte del WG di ISMAR sull'Ocean Literacy, per favore compilate il questionario: https://forms.gle/4GRtxA57Qdmtzb1k8 .
Riferimento: Francesca.Alvisi@bo.ismar.cnr.it