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Coastal Ecosystems in Transition: A Comparative Analysis of the Northern Adriatic and Chesapeake Bay"

Il testo con collaborazione di autori CNR-Ismar selezionato da AGU nella vetrina virtuale del summit COP26

Friday 29 October 2021

Coastal Ecosystems in Transition: A Comparative Analysis of the Northern Adriatic and Chesapeake Bay

Il libro "Coastal Ecosystems in Transition: A Comparative Analysis of the Northern Adriatic and Chesapeake Bay", a cui hanno partecipato diversi ricercatori dell'istituto Ismar, e' stato scelto da AGU per essere mostrato nella vetrina virtuale del summit COP26 tra le pubblicazioni recenti piu' importanti che analizzano gli impatti dei cambiamenti climatici.

A seguire la comunicazione di AGU con i link per la visualizzazione di testo e notizia:

Our journal editors in chief selected some of the most important journal articles for a special collection, Global Climate Crisis:
From Research to Solutions
<>, and wrote an Editorial <>calling for urgent action to address the climate crisis. Meanwhile, we were invited to contribute four books to a special COP26 Virtual Book Showcase <>.

Your book, “Coastal Ecosystems in Transition: A Comparative Analysis of the Northern Adriatic and Chesapeake Bay”, was one of those selected for this special books collection. Books in the collection are free to read online from today (/28 October) until 22 November.

Here is a link to all the books in the collection organized alphabetically by book title

Here is a link to the AGU books in the collection

And here is a list of all the books in the collection organized in alphabetically by publisher (with AGU at the top!)
(note that there are no links from this page to accessing the books – for that  the two links above should be used)





Co-chair for CERF 2021


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