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A commentary on Bioremediation in marine ecosystems

L'articolo di M. Taffi, M. Marini et al. al General Commentary Article della rivista Frontiers in Genetics

Monday 19 January 2015

A commentary on Bioremediation in marine ecosystems

A commentary on Bioremediation in marine ecosystems: a computational study combining ecological modeling and flux balance analysis
by Taffi, M., Paoletti, N., Angione, C., Pucciarelli, S., Marini, M. and Liò, P. (2014). Front Genet
5:319. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2014.00319,

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questo il testo sostanziale:
....The study integrated two methodologically similar modelling approaches within a reaction-based ecological/microbial network representation, relying on the parallels between representing PCB concentrations and flows on the ecosystem level, and metabolite concentrations and reaction fluxes on the microbial cellular level. Therein, marine species groups resemble the representation of metabolites, while contaminant flows are modeled as reactions. This approach enabled the seamless integration of ecological and metabolic modeling techniques, providing the basis for multi-scale simulations of ecosystems.
The modeling approach was used to predict the influence of different microbial bioremediation strategies on the fate and distribution of PCBs in marine species of the Adriatic Sea. The effect of varying oxygen levels on microbial PCB degradation revealed a tradeoff between PCB uptake and growth of P. putida. Further, the impact of different bioremediation scenarios on global and local network indices was assessed. Importantly, the generality of the proposed approach facilitates the integration of measured data, the incorporation of established techniques from ecological and metabolic modeling and the direct application of the methodology to other ecological and microbial networks. Thus, it can be used to guide the selection of appropriate bacteria and consortia (Thompson et al., 2005), or the design of genetically engineered bacteria for bioremediation (Singh et al., 2011). The approach will stimulate new developments in ecological modeling and offer insights into the multi-level interplay among ecosystems, microbial networks and biodegradation.  .....

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