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Best Young Researcher Award a Marianna Tafi del CNR-Ismar

Il prestigioso award ISEM alla promettente giovane ricercatrice di dottorato congiunto tra UNICAM e CNR-ISMAR di Ancona e alla preziosa collaborazione con Nicola Paoletti ricercatore presso Dipartimento di Computer Science dell’Università di Oxford con la supervisione di Mauro Marini e Sandra Pucciarelli.

Friday 11 September 2015

Best Young Researcher Award a Marianna Tafi del CNR-Ismar

M Taffi, N Paoletti, P Liò, S Pucciarelli, M Marini
Bioaccumulation modelling and sensitivity analysis for discovering key players in contaminated food webs: the case study of PCBs in the Adriatic Sea
Ecological Modelling 306, 205-215


Vedi la pagina ISEM dell'annuncio

Di seguito la comunicazione ufficiale dell’ISEM (The International Society for Ecological Modelling):

Dear Dr. Taffi,
Hello.  I am writing to inform you that the review panel has finished the evaluation of all the manuscripts submitted for the International Society for Ecological Modelling Best Young Researcher Award (BYRA) and your paper, Bioaccumulation modelling and sensitivity analysis for discovering key players in contaminated food webs: The case study of PCBs in the Adriatic Sea, was rated to the be the top paper and recipient of the 2016 BYRA first prize.  As stated in the announcement, this prize includes free registration and a $1000 travel grant to attend the ISEM Global Conference in May 2016 (travel grant will be reimbursed to you at the conference).
Please confirm your acceptance of this award and we will make an announcement in the next promotional mailing for the conference.  Please note that abstract submission deadline is October 16 (
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Brian Fath
Chair, ISEM Global Conference 2016
President, North American Chapter of ISEM

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