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Copertina di "Atmosphere" a lavoro Ismar

Grande risalto al lavoro sui cicloni mediterranei "Medicanes" di Antonio Ricchi (dottorando presso Ismar-CNR) con la collaborazione di ricercatori Ismar

Wednesday 24 May 2017

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Sensitivity of a Mediterranean Tropical-Like Cyclone to Different Model Configurations and Coupling Strategies

Atmosphere 2017, 8(5), 92; doi:10.3390/atmos8050092

Department of Life and Environmental Sciences, Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona 60121, Italy
Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (ISAC-CNR), Lecce 73100, Italy
Institute of Marine Sciences (ISMAR-CNR), Venice 30121, Italy
Department of Physics and NatRisk Center, University of Torino, Torino 10124, Italy
Centro Meteo Italiano, Roma 00198, Italy
NATO STO Center of Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE), La Spezia 19124, Italy

Cover Story

Medicanes are meteorological phenomena observed in the Mediterranean region that are receiving growing attention. The number and intensity of these tropical-like cyclones is varying—as a consequence of climate change affecting the basin—while associated damages on the coasts are often significant due to the high population density. On Nov. 7–9 2011, Medicane “Rolf” formed over the Balearic Islands sea region; during its period of maximum intensity, its winds speed peaked at over 110 km/h and an intense deep convection area enveloped its minimum pressure. This study deals with disentangling the delicate interplay of energy fluxes between atmosphere, ocean and waves during a Medicane, thoroughly exploring sensitivity to initial conditions, effects of different planetary boundary layer schemes, but also the role of oceans in fueling the event. By Antonio Ricchi et al. View this paper

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