Governing future challenges in Mediterranean protected areas
Edito da L.T. Alfarè (CNR-ISMAR) e E. Ruoss (USI), esce la monografia prodotta dal CNR.
- Ocean Science Special Issue
Friday 24 June 2016"Oceanographic processes on the continental shelf: observations and modeling". Lead Guest Editor: Sandro Carniel (CNR-ISMAR)
- Journal of Operational Oceanography Special Issue: Ismar contributions
Wednesday 15 June 2016Proceedings of the 3rd Italian GNOO Conference on operational oceanography, innovative technologies and applications
Tuesday 14 June 2016Good mention of GEBCO and the Forum for Future Ocean Floor Mapping in The Economist. M. Rovere (CNR-Ismar) among the organizers
- Cascading Dense water Flow and its Impact on the Sea Floor in the Adriatic and Aegean Sea, Eastern Mediterranean
Friday 03 June 2016Special Issue - Guest Editors: J. Chiggiato, K. Schroeder and F. Trincardi (CNR-Ismar)