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MCED Award 2016 a Marianna Taffi, dottoranda presso CNR-Ismar

Il premio della International Society for Ecological Modelling per il contributo nella realizzazione del testo: Modelling Complex Ecological Dynamics

Wednesday 14 September 2016

MCED Award 2016 a Marianna Taffi, dottoranda presso CNR-Ismar

Marianna Taffi, Università di Camerino, è  stata seguita da Mauro Marini (CNR-Ismar Sede di Ancona) nel dottorato condiviso con l'Università. Risultato della collaborazione è stata la pubblicazionecazioni Coupling food web bioaccumulation models and metabolic models of degrading bacteria pubblicata sulla rivista "Frontiers in Genetics" e selezionato per il testo:

Modelling Complex Ecological Dynamics

An Introduction into Ecological Modelling for Students, Teachers & Scientists
Cover Illustrations by Melanie Trexler
Jopp, Fred; Reuter, Hauke; Breckling, Broder (Eds.)
1st Edition., 2011, XVIII, 413 p. 131 illus., Softcover
ISBN: 978-3-642-05028-2

il link alla pagina del premio

The MCED award for ecological modeling was announced in 2011 for the first time. Once a year young modellers can apply, who finished their bachelor, masters, or PhD degree within the last 3 years. The intention of the award is to foster the development and application of modern ecological modelling methods that can help to expand the understanding of complex ecological dynamics. With this focus, the MCED award follows the eponymous textbook for ecological modelling which has been  published by Springer Publishing House in 2011.

The MCED editors together with Springer Publishing House encourage young ecologists who:

  • analyze ecological phenomena using ecological modelling approaches in an innovative way.
  • apply new modelling methods and techniques and thereby contribute to applied or theoretical ecology.
  • use modelling frameworks to bridge the gap between basic science and application
  • enhance the understanding of complex ecological processes and dynamics

to apply for the award.

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