Microplastiche nel Mediterraneo: servizio su Radio Radicale
Intervista a F. Garaventa (Ismar-CNR) e F. Francocci nel corso della trasmissione Overshoot
- DANUBIUS-RI project: Kick-off meeting
Thursday 26 January 2017Preparatory Phase for the Pan-European Research
- INTERREG MED CO-EVOLVE Project kick-off
Thursday 19 January 2017The kick-off meeting of the INTERREG MED CO-EVOLVE project took place in Komotini (Greece) on 12-13 January 2017
- Ballast Water Management for Adriatic Sea
Wednesday 11 January 2017F. Garaventa (CNR-Ismar) interviewed by TTM on the new international rules regarding ballast water management
- "Italica" ship departed for Antarctica
Tuesday 03 January 2017The expedition scientific coordinator is L. Langone, CNR-Ismar