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Ocean sciences essenziali nella lotta contro il cambiamento climatico

OneOceanScience: lancio il 25 ottobre, un giro del mondo virtuale delle scienze del mare e del clima. I contributi dei ricercatori CNR-ISMAR

Friday 22 October 2021

Ocean sciences  essenziali nella lotta contro il cambiamento climatico

On October 25, Ifremer, the CNRS and the IRD, with support from the Ocean & Climate Platform, Thomas Pesquet and ESA, are launching a digital world tour of ocean and climate sciences, christened OneOceanScience. Scientists from the entire world are participating. Together, they will explain why ocean sciences are essential for better understanding and protecting the ocean. “Why does ocean science matter?” They’re sounding the alarm: the ocean’s well-being affects all of us and it should be a central part of the climate negotiations.


Brought together by OneOceanScience, 37 scientists from 33 countries will speak up through a series of short videos on the immersive platform They’ll talk about why ocean science is essential. (“Why does ocean science matter?”) They’ll explain how the ocean and climate are linked and what solutions they’re working on to preserve ocean ecosystems and society in the face of climate change.

ISS Commander in chief, Thomas Pesquet, will share his vision of the ocean and lend support to scientists.

Thanks to support from the Ocean & Climate Platform, the OneOceanScience campaign will also be present at COP26 in Glasgow to represent ocean sciences ahead of the international negotiations.


Recognition of the ocean's true value is well overdue. As it covers more than 70% of our planet, it connects us, feeds us, gives us energy, heals us, and inspires our dreams.

“Coastal areas are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of extreme events and need to manage climate change risks. Venice is considered a hot spot due to its fragility and risk exposure, but also a precious natural laboratory” Debora Bellafiore, an oceanographer at CNR-ISMAR who  deals with hydrodynamic modelling.

Today, the message from the scientific community is clear and the facts are beyond a doubt: our future depends on a healthy ocean and we need knowledge from scientific activity to better protect it.


Financed by the Ocean & Climate priority research program and categorized as a UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development action, OneOceanScience will kick off COP26’s day on oceans—Ocean Action Day—on November 5 in Glasgow.

“To understand the role of the ocean in the climate system it is crucial for climate change mitigation. This requires to study ocean processes and climate variability and to develop and maintain a multi-platform ocean observing system.  CNR-ISMAR  is strongly committed to this global challenge, mainly focusing on the Mediterranean Sea that currently warms at a rate of 20% faster than the rest of the globe. COP26 and the Ocean Decade are the best opportunity for the world to recognize the role ocean in climate mitigation and move finance decisively in the direction of strengthening the ocean research” Rosalia Santoleri, Director of CNR-ISMAR.

The aim of the OneOceanScience campaign is to reach over seven million people around the world.


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