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Glider mission in the Western Mediterranean Sea

Within the framework of a collaboration between CNR-ISMAR and SOCIB

Thursday 20 April 2017

Glider mission in the Western Mediterranean Sea

Underwater glider TERESA left Sardinian waters toward Mallorca, launching a new repeated monitoring line in the Western Mediterranean Sea within the framework of a collaboration between CNR-ISMAR and SOCIB (follow here ). The glider will complete the mission at the end of the month and is providing in real time underwater profiles of temperature, salinity and turbulence down to around 1000m.  The repeated transect will allow to investigate the variability of water masses transiting in this area, usually poorly monitored, at the medium to long timescale. The mission, named SMART, can be followed in real time at


CNR-ISMAR PoC: Jacopo Chiggiato, Katrin Schroeder, Mireno Borghini

SOCIB PoC: Joaquin Tintorè, Emma Heslop, Marc Torner

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