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World Seas: An Environmental Evaluation

Nei volumi II e III della 2^ edizione del testo edito da Academic Press capitoli realizzati da ricercatori CNR-Ismar

Monday 17 September 2018

World Seas: An Environmental Evaluation


World Seas: An Environmental Evaluation. Volumi II e III

2nd Edition

Editor: Charles Sheppard


I contributi di Silvia Giuliani e Luca Giorgio Bellucci ricercatori di CNR-Ismar:

Volume II: The Indian Ocean to the Pacific

Silvia Giuliani, Luca G. Bellucci (CNR-Ismar), Dang H. Nhon
Chapter 19. The Coast of Vietnam: Present Status and Future Challenges for Sustainable Development
pag. 415-435
Paperback ISBN: 9780081008539
Imprint: Academic Press
Published Date: 5th September 2018;   Count: 932
Volume Two: The Indian Ocean to the Pacific provides a comprehensive review of the environmental condition of the seas from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific. Each chapter is written by experts in the field who provide historical overviews in environmental terms, current environmental status, major problems arising from human use, informed comments on major trends, problems and successes, and recommendations for the future. The book is an invaluable worldwide reference source for students and researchers who are concerned with marine environmental science, fisheries, oceanography and engineering and coastal zone development.
Key Features:
Covers regional issues that help countries find solutions to environmental decline that may have already developed elsewhere
Provides scientific reviews of regional issues, thus empowering managers and policymakers to make progress in under-resourced countries and regions
Includes comprehensive maps and updated statistics in each region covered

Volume III:   Ecological Issues and Environmental Impacts

Silvia Giuliani, Luca G. Bellucci (CNR-Ismar)
Chapter 4. Salt Marshes: Their Role in Our Society and Threats Posed to Their Existence
pag. 79-101
Paperback ISBN: 9780128050521
Imprint: Academic Press
Published Date: 13th September 2018;   Page Count: 666
Volume Three: Ecological Issues and Environmental Impacts covers global issues relating to our seas, including a biological description of the coast and continental shelf waters, the development and use of the coast, landfills and their effects, pollutant discharges over time, the effects of over-fishing, and the management methods and techniques used to ensure continued ecosystem functioning. The relative importance of water-borne and airborne routes differ in different parts of the world is explored, along with extensive coverage of major habitats and species groups, governmental, education and legal issues, fisheries effects, remote sensing, climate change and management.
This book is an invaluable, worldwide reference source for students and researchers concerned with marine environmental science, fisheries, oceanography and engineering and coastal zone development.
Key Features:
Provides scientific reviews of regional issues, empowering managers and policymakers to make progress in under-resourced countries and regions
Covers environmental issues arising from the human use of both the sea and its watershed
Presents informed commentary on major trends, problems and successes, and recommendations for the future

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