Digital Venice 2014: The digital Atlas of the lagoon of Venice
Data interoperability for management and planning. Organization CNR-Ismar. Venice Ismar headquarters
Tuesday 15 July 2014
July 9th 2014
Arsenale, tesa 104 (CNR-ISMAR)
La struttura dell'Atlante della Laguna in un quadro di interoperabilita'
(Speaker TBC)
Extending the Atlas of Venice lagoon approach to the Adriatic-Ionian Macroregion in the ADRIPLAN project
Alessandro Sarretta, CNR ISMAR
Verso un approccio "open data" per una migliore pianificazione dello spazio marittimo
Fabio Trincardi, CNR ISMAR
SIPLAN: a new web-based tool for spatial planning within the UNESCO WHS "Venice and its lagoon"
Andrea Rosina, CORILA - Domenico Patassini, Università IUAV di Venezia
Make it transparent: a new approach for data management in the Venice lagoon
Pierpaolo Campostrini, CORILA
Knowledge Sharing in the Management Plan of the World Heritage Site "Venice and its Lagoon"
Katia Basili, Ufficio Sito Unesco, Comune di Venezia
New technologies offer also new opportunities for a sustainable and participated governance of the territories. An open, fast, intelligent and comprehensive access to environmental information is essential and, more important, may help counteract the fact that data are collected independently by a variety of research and management Institutions; traditionally these data have been locked fragmented in little boxes. The Atlas of the Venice lagoon is finding all the keys for opening the boxes, connecting the little puzzle tiles in order to create the big mosaic. The use of a comprehensive picture is useful not only for the day-by-day governance (by public and private stakeholders), but also for scenario building and planning. Nevertheless, often the traditional planning instruments of different administrations are not coordinated between them, resulting in scarce coherence and effectiveness. For the management of the UNESCO site of Venice and its lagoon new web-based instruments connected to the Atlas have been developed and offered to the public Administrations involved, who are invited to participate. The new Atlas approach is now being extended to the entire Adriatic region in the EU Project Adriplan, to build a new integrated approach to the management of the Adriatic Ionian Region.