JERICO Second Call for Trans National Access to Coastal Observatories and Calibration Facilities
The EU project JERICO is offering access to key research infrastructures for coastal observations. The first international call is open till March 27th under the direction of CNR.
- Monitorare le aree vulcaniche attive tramite aerofotogrammetria da drone
Friday 15 January 2021Pubblicato su "Remote Sensing" il lavoro, che include ricercatori Ismar-CNR, mostra l'efficacia di un drone per monitorare aree difficilmente accessibili
- New seismological data from the Calabrian arc reveal arc-orthogonal extension across the subduction zone
Tuesday 12 January 2021Con la collaborazione di Ricercatori Ismar. Pubblicato il 12 gennaio 2021
- Coastal Ecosystems in Transition: A Comparative Analysis of the Northern Adriatic and Chesapeake Bay
Tuesday 05 January 2021Nel libro in uscita per la A.G.U. i coautori ISMAR: Fabrizio Bernardi Aubry, Stefano Cozzi, Elisa Camatti.