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XII International Symposium - GEOHAB 2013

Marine Geological and Biological Habitat Mapping. Roma 6-10 maggio 2013

Tuesday 12 March 2013

XII International Symposium - GEOHAB 2013

GEOHAB (Marine Geological and Biological Habitat Mapping) annual forum brings together geologists, biologists, acousticians, statisticians, spatial analysts and environmental managers from around the world, who are developing new methods and procedures to link remotely sensed data with seafloor geology and marine biology within a geo-spatial environment. After more than 10 years since its start, the GEOHAB conference comes for the first time to the Mediterranean. It is hosted by the Geological Survey of Italy – ISPRA together with the Institute for Coastal and Marine Environment – CNR.

Symposium site

Themes of the conference

  • Multidisciplinary and multiscalar approaches to habitat mapping
  • National Seabed Mapping Programmes
  • Predictive Habitat Modeling
  • Geoscience Characterization of the Seabed for Environmental Assessment of Marine Renewable Energy Activities
  • Habitat mapping in geologically complex areas, with examples from the Mediterranean Sea
  • Linking science to marine policies for conservation. Experience and forthcoming strategies
  • Advances in Technology and Methodology for Mapping Habitats
  • Deep-Sea Habitats
  • Quantifying change in benthic habitats

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