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Coast Expo 2010 / Coast Protection Exhibition 1st Edition

Ferrara (Italy) - 21st, 22nd, 23rd september 2010. The state of the art of management of coast.

Monday 17 May 2010

Coast Expo 2010 / Coast Protection Exhibition 1st Edition

Ferrara (Italy) - 21st, 22nd, 23rd september 2010.

Coast Expo 2010 is the exclusive event entirely dedicated to debate and discussion between Ministries, Institutions, Universities and Research Centers ancd Companies, about the state of the art, the developments and the criticism of management of coast that represent a unique asset of environmental, economic and social aspects.

The initiative provides a focus on the areas of management, dredging, remediation, nourishment, risk management, monitoring and coastal protection, formal and informal venies for the exchange of information, tools and ideas relating to coastal hazards. Conferences, coordinated by the Scientific Committee, with national and intarnational delegates, will support the exhibition area, represented by main stakeholders and institutions.

Download PDF: Brochure Coast Expo 2010

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