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Ecotoxicology Congress 2010

Research and application of ecotoxicological methods in acquatic environments. Livorno, 20-22 October 2010, Fondazione Livorno Euro Mediterranea (LEM) - Organized by ISPRA and CIBM, under the patronage of ISMAR.

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Ecotoxicology Congress 2010







Ecotoxicology Congress 2010

Giornate di Studio 20-22 ottobre 2010 - 4a Edizione

Fondazione Livorno Euro Mediterranea (LEM)
Piazza del Pamiglione 1/2, 57123 Livorno


Research and application of ecotoxicological methods in acquatic environmentse

This 4th Edition opens up for emerging themes, widening ecotoxicological methods application to the management of freshwater environments, besides marine and brackish ones, regarding also related laws. The presence of stakeholders and discussion times, aimed to scientific and institutional collaboration proposals, assure the concreteness of this event for the different national and local realities.


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