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X Meteorological Congress of Friuli Venezia Giulia. November 13th, 2010 Marano Lagunare (UD)

Friday 29 October 2010


We announce with great pleasure "eVENTO", TENTH METEOROLOGICAL MEETING of the Friuli Venezia Giulia, devoted entirely to the wind this year.
A program with a wide participation, lasting an entire day, from 10 am to 16:30 pm

Tenth Conference of Meteorology of the Friuli Venezia Giulia
Saturday, November 13 2010, ore 10-16.30
Conference Room "Vecchia Pescheria "
Piazza Cristoforo Colombo - Marano Lagunare (UD)


Conference Program

 9.15 -  registration (free)
10.00 - meeting presentation and greeting to the authorities
10.30 - yesterday Bora, today Bora
11.30 - winds in the depths
12.00 - water fights where the wind wants

12:30 to 14:30 lunch break

14:30 -  afternoon session opening
15:00 -  a life in the wind
15.30 - a surge of energy
16.00 - extraterrestrial winds
16:30 - meeting closure

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