XX A.I.O.L. Congress in Lecce (ITA). July 4-8, 2011
The next meeting of the Italia Association of Oceanology and Limnology will be held in Lecce (Italy) from July 4th to 8th, 2011 in the congress hall of Hotel Tiziano.
- COVID-19 lockdown measures reveal human impact on water transparency in the Venice Lagoon
Friday 29 May 2020Uscito a firma di ricercatori Ismar-CNR nello special issue "COVID-19: Impact by and on the Environment"
- Simulated last deglaciation of the Barents Sea Ice Sheet primarily driven by oceanic conditions
Tuesday 19 May 2020Dalla collaborazione tra Ismar (R.Colucci), OGS, UniTS e centri di ricerca stranieri
- Torna visibile l'ecosistema della Laguna di Venezia
Tuesday 05 May 2020Intervista e video con Marco Sigovini CNR_Ismar
- Ricordo di Elisabetta Campiani
Monday 04 May 2020Ad un anno dalla scomparsa, la ricordano i colleghi di CNR- Ismar