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Summer school: Geologic Cartography of Marine Areas

ISPRA and the Marine Geology Section of the Italian Geological Society are organizing a free training course on the theme "Geologic Cartography of Marine Areas" to be held in ISPRA, Rome, from October 25th to 29th, 2010

Monday 09 August 2010

Summer school: Geologic Cartography of Marine Areas

The training is directed to undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral and young researchers who already have basic knowledge in geology and marine geophysics.

The course will be held from 25 to 29 October at the  ISPRA office in Rome, Via Curtatone 3, and includes a series of lectures interspersed with practical exercises on case studies, real data and use of specific software.

Among the themes planned: methods for detection of seismic acoustic and sampling data; seismo-stratigraphy and unconformity boundaries units  ; criteria for interpretation and cartographic representation.
The school is free, open to a maximum of 25 participants that will be selected according to the curriculum and the order of enrollment.

Interested individuals should send a detailed CV and follow the procedures for pre-registration which will be published in early September at  Isprambiente web site where the detailed program of the course will be available.

For further question email to: Silvana D'angelo


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