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On the Economic Geology cover Ismar paper

On the December issue 2 papers by CNR-Ismar reasearchers. On the cover Bathymetry of the southern Tyrrhenian Sea

Monday 03 November 2014

On the Economic Geology cover Ismar paper



On the cover: Bathymetry of the southern Tyrrhenian Sea. Marsili and Palinuro volcanic complexes described in the paper by Ligi, Bortoluzzi, D'Oriano (CNR-Ismar) et al. in this issue. Inset depicts tectonics affecting southern Italy.




Marco Ligi,    Luca Cocchi,    Giovanni Bortoluzzi,    Filippo D’Oriano,    Filippo Muccini,    Fabio Caratori Tontini,    Cornel E. J. de Ronde    and Cosmo Carmisciano
Mapping of Seafloor Hydrothermally Altered Rocks Using Geophysical Methods: Marsili and Palinuro Seamounts, Southern Tyrrhenian Sea
Economic Geology, December 2014, v. 109, p. 2103-2117, doi:10.2113/econgeo.109.8.2103

F. Caratori Tontini,    G. Bortoluzzi,    C. Carmisciano,    L. Cocchi,    C.E.J. de Ronde,    M. Ligi and F. Muccini
Near-Bottom Magnetic Signatures of Submarine Hydrothermal Systems at Marsili and Palinuro Volcanoes, Southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy
Economic Geology, December 2014, v. 109, p. 2119-2128, doi:10.2113/econgeo.109.8.2119

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