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Ready the volume: Methods of Study of Marine Plankton

After many tribulations, the Committee of plankton SIBM 2007-2009 will be able to finish editing the book "Methods of study of marine plankton" released in the series Manuals and Guidelines 56/2010, sponsored by ISPRA and SIBM.

Monday 09 August 2010



Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (Institute for the Environmental Protection and Research)

Methods of Study of Marine Plankton

 edited by
Giorgio Socal1, Isabella Buttino2, Marina Cabrini3, Olga Mangoni4, Antonella Penna5, Cecilia Totti6

  1. Istituto di Scienze Marine CNR, Venezia
  2. Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Napoli - indirizzo corrente: ISPRA, Livorno
  3. Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e Geofisica Sperimentale, Trieste
  4. Dipartimento delle Scienze Biologiche, Sezione di Zoologia, Università degli Studi Federico II, Napoli
  5. Dipartimento di Scienze Biomolecolari, Sezione Biologia Ambientale, Università di Urbino
  6. Dipartimento di Scienze del Mare. Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona



At present the volume is in paper format only, but it will be soon downloadable at the link:

It 's been a challenge not so easy to overcome, but in the end "for better or for worse" it has been won. The authors of the 51 chapters, listed in the index on page. P. III. VIII, were distributed as follows: ISMAR 16 authors, 17 of IAMC. If we add the contributions of IRSA Institute IBF Rome and Pisa, the authors of the Department of Earth and Environment of CNR were 36, while 47 were university authors, 22 of those Zoological Station of Naples, 12 of those dell'INOGS Trieste, 4 the Ispra plus 4 other authors. I think is well represented the panorama of planctonology as an important field of italian marine biology. We list some key words that impact the ecosystem on which the text is somewhat involved: strong phytoplankton blooms, potentially toxic species, mucilage, jellyfish bloom and invasion of alloctonous species, hypo-anoxia phenomena, processes acidification and control of CO_2, and many more.

 We can say that the contribution may be a cue for the pelagic biological oceanography and can update the previuos volume published in 1990 in the journal / Nova Thalassia /, edited by Love / et al /. It's our aim to pick up a second challenge translating the text in English as requested by many: but that's another story and we will deal it in due manner.

 I want to take this opportunity to underline how this cue may be important in marine biology in the study of ecosystems in general. I hope that the role of this discipline can become stronger, gain more visibility and become an indispensable tool, directed to the decision makers in environmental planning. The contribution of this volume would also serve to highlight the major significance of the two “marine” Institutes of CNR (IAMC and ISMAR) firstly within the panorama of marine sciences in Italy and secondly within the Department of Earth and Environment. Finally my special thanks are addressed to the 16 ISMAR authors, listed in the text, who have greatly contributed to the preparation of this text.


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