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Opening ceremony of the new Headquarter of the Institute of Marine Sciences.

On Friday 11 at 17:30, at the Venetian Arsenal, there will be the opening ceremony of the new Headquarter of the Institute of Marine Sciences.

Tuesday 08 June 2010

Opening ceremony of the new Headquarter of the Institute of Marine Sciences.
On Friday 11 at 17:30, at the Venetian Arsenal, there will be the 
opening ceremony of the new Headquarter of the Institute of Marine 
Sciences, (inside tesone 101, Schiera Nuovissima, Arsenale Nord).
Interventions of the Mayor of Venice (Dr. Giorgio Orsoni), the President 
of Venice Water Authority (Ing. Patrizio Cuccioletta ) and the President 
of National Research Council (Prof. Luciano Maiani) are scheduled.

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