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Online Life + “Efficientship” project web site

Tuesday 01 September 2015

Online  Life + “Efficientship” project web site

EfficientShip is supported by the European Commission Environment LIFE+ 2013 Program Project.
N° LIFE13 ENV/FR/000851
Duration : 01/06/2014 - 31/12/2016


"Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time". This statement, approved by 193 countries during the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development underlines the worldwide awareness on Global Warming issues. All the economic sectors are concerned by this issue and should therefore find innovative solutions to reduce their greenhouse gases emissions. The LIFE+ EfficientShip project will target one specific and cultural European industry: the maritime fisheries. Because the European fishing fleet is largely based on Diesel-engine, this sector generates important GHG emissions that need to be reduced.

The LIFE+ EfficientShip project will demonstrate the efficiency of an innovative technology for reducing the GHG emissions of thermal engines - for power rates from 300kW to 2MW - by 5-10%.

This ambitious environmental objective will be coupled with both economic and societal concerns, respecting the principles of the sustainable development and of the green and blue growth. The EfficientShip solution will specifically interest the majority of European fishing vessels, offering a solution for sustaining an important economic activity, endangered by the increase of fuel costs.

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