Glider mission in the Western Mediterranean Sea
Within the framework of a collaboration between CNR-ISMAR and SOCIB
- Future of seas & Oceans to G7 Science and Technology Ministers
Tuesday 17 May 2016A report has been presented by international experts at Japan meeting. Among them F.Boero (CNR-Ismar Associate) cooperates in "Marine Ecosystem Degradation"
- JPI OCEAN EPHEMARE project web site now on line
Friday 13 May 2016M. Faimali (CNR-Ismar) in the Consortium
- JERICO-NEXT: First Call for Transnational access to coastal observatories and supporting facilities
Sunday 01 May 2016The H2020 JERICO-NEXT project is offering transnational access to coastal observatories and supporting facilities. The first call is open from May 2 to June 20, 2016.