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BALWOIS 2012 - Abstract submission deadline is POSTPONED to NOV, 20th

Time is extended to novembre 20th to send abstracts to the Fifth International Scientific Conference on Water, Climate and Environment in Ohrid, Macedonia

Thursday 10 November 2011

BALWOIS 2012 - Abstract submission deadline is POSTPONED to NOV, 20th


We would like to inform you that DEADLINE for abstract submission for
BALWOIS 2012 Conference (Fifth International Scientific Conference on Water,
Climate and Environment, from 28 May to 02 June 2012, Ohrid, Macedonia) is
POSTPONED until 20th of November 2011 (information at

We hope this extra time will encourage more of you to consider participating and please submit your abstracts as soon as possible on the Conference website. Those authors who have already submitted abstracts will be notified as to whether their abstracts have been accepted or not until 30 of November 2011.
Here are some instructions about the submission procedure. BALWOIS 2012 is using online Conference management system, therefore you have to : I - register yourself at conference web site; II - only after registration you can submit your abstracts via your account (using your username and password). NOTE: We cannot register and/or submit your abstract on behalf of you. Please, have a look on the following instructions. Instructions about REGISTRATION (opening user account) and SUBMISSION of the abstracts <> 1.To REGISTER you have to: . Go on the page <> ; . Click at LOG IN ; . Click at: > < ser&op=account> Not a user? Create an account with this site ; . Fill the FORM and do not forget to check the box "Author" at the bottom of this FORM (to define your account as author) . This registration must be done only one time. 2. To SUBMIT your abstract you have : . to use your username and password at <> to access your account ; . to choose "New Submission" ; . to fill the form ; . to submit the form (abstract). 3. To MAKE CHANGES (to add more authors, to change the Title or the Text of abstract, etc.) you should: . Use your username and password to access your account; . Choose < Active submission > ; . Click on the Title of the abstract that you want to change; . Click on the button EDIT METADATA (somewhere in the middle of the page); . After making corrections, click on the button SAVE METADATA." If you have some problems do not hesitate to contact us at:
"BALWOIS Secretariat" <>

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