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DANUBIUS-RI project: Kick-off meeting

Preparatory Phase for the Pan-European Research

Thursday 26 January 2017

DANUBIUS-RI project: Kick-off meeting

On 12 and 13 December 2016, the Romanian Academy of Sciences hosted the kick-off meeting of the project Horizon2020 Infradev-2016-2 (CSA) "preparation for the pan-European research infrastructure DANUBIUS-RI".


DANUBIUS-PP has a three-year project to increase the pan-European research infrastructure DANUBIUS-RI for the technical maturity, legal and financial assistance necessary for its full implementation and future development.

DANUBIUS-RI infrastructure will have as its main purpose the enhancement of interdisciplinary research on the great river-delta-sea systems (River-Sea Systems), based on existing European excellence. In March 2016 DANUBIUS-RI project has become part of the roadmap ESFRI ( and was recognized in the panorama of existing research infrastructure as "the only research infrastructure devoted to support research on transitional zones between coastal marine and freshwater areas"

The project intervention areas extend from the environmental sciences to social and economic issues, providing access to a wide range of services and expertise on the river-delta-sea systems through a "one-stop shop" for the exchange of knowledge, creating a continuous process of training, access to harmonized data and the creation of an interdisciplinary research platform.

The CNR-ISMAR will co-lead with GeoEcoMar on the WP on the RI-Architecture, also coordinating the implementation of the thematic Node on the river-delta-sea systems modelling.

In additions to CNR-ISMAR, are part of DANUBIUS-Italy: CNR-IAMC, OGS, CORILA, EMSO-ERIC.

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