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Self-organisation in striped seagrass meadows affects the distributional pattern of the sessile bivalve Pinna nobilis

Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group, publishes a study on the distributional pattern of the sessile bivalve Pinna nobilis. CNR-Ismar researcher involved

Thursday 30 May 2019

Self-organisation in striped seagrass meadows affects the distributional pattern of the sessile bivalve Pinna nobilis

Coppa, S; Quattrocchi, G; Cucco, A; de Lucia, GA; Vencato, S; Camedda, A; Domenici, P; Conforti, A; Satta, A; Tonielli, R (Ismar sede di Napoli); Bressan, M; Massaro, G; De Falco, G    NA
Self-organisation in striped seagrass meadows affects the distributional pattern of the sessile bivalve Pinna nobilis
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 9 10.1038/s41598-019-43214-6 MAY 10 2019

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