Tsunami in Japan
In addition to some television interviews, ISMAR researchers opinions have been collected on some websites. The earthquake and aftershocks noise recorded under the sea.
Tuesday 15 March 2011
Following the devastating tsunami that struck Japan on March 11, we present documents and web or TV interviews by ISMAR researchers
M.Marani interviewed by Il Sussidiario.net: "TSUNAMI ITALIA/ Il Vulcano Marsili (Mar Tirreno) ci espone al rischio? Risponde l’esperto" (ITA)
At the LIDO (LIstening to the Deep Ocean environment) is possible to see the results of the European Project LIDO (FP6-2005-Global-4- ESONET 036851-2 ( CNR TENCOMARE INGV among the partners). It is possible to listen to the japanese earthquake noise recordered in the sea on march 11th and the aftershocks.
Nevio Zitellini and Francesco Chierici were reached by several journalists seeking information on the causes of the phenomenon and the possibility of recurrence in our seas.
Here are some of these interviews (italian):
- "Scienza/ Made in Italy il primo sistema che prevede gli tsunami" Intervista a N.Zitellini raccolta da TMNews il 22/3/2011
- "Giappone/ La distruzione dal mare, cosa è uno tsunami - scheda" Dichiarazione raccolta dall'agenzia TMNews
- "Giappone. Casa in legno di sette piani resista ad un sisma devastante" Vivi Sicilia, l'informazione quotidiana
- "Intervista a N.Zitellini sulla generazione degli Tsunami" RAI 3 11/3/2011 ore 22
- "Intervista a F.Chierici sulla generazione degli Tsunami" TG2 13/3/2011 ore 13, in replica su TG3 Emilia Romagna ore 14