Core Scanner XRF - BO
XRF Core Scanner Laboratory
The laboratory is equipped with a third generation Avaatech Core Scanner that allows high resolution scanning of induced fluorescence.
Core scanning using X-ray fluorescence (XRF-Core scanner) is an automated, non-destructive methodology that analyses the elements from Al to U of the periodic table, in a wide range of concentrations (from ppm to 100%). It is possible to measure: longitudinally open cores, U-channels, rock sections, speleotems and discrete samples with a resolution ranging from 1 cm to 0.1 mm. The effective maximum core length is 1600 mm and a width of up to 140 mm. It is a very effective analytical technique because it does not require any treatment of the sample except for the preparation of a flat surface.
The Avaatech core scanner is also equipped with a high resolution digital camera (up to 70 microns) that records images in visible and ultraviolet light through specific software for colour analysis.
The Core Scanner is used to investigate the variability of the geochemical composition of stratigraphic sections for paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic purposes, for the identification of paleosol or volcanic ash, to investigate the mobilization and re-precipitation of element sensitive to redox conditions, and to evaluate the presence of trace metals.
The XRF Core Scanner Laboratory is part of the ISMAR CORE Research Infrastructure (CNR ISMAR Core Repository) included in the REGIONAL PLAN FOR RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES of the Region of Emilia-Romagna.
The Core Scanner XRF laboratory also performs analyses for users outside the Institute. For further information contact the Laboratory Manager:
The CORE web application shows the geolocation of the cores analyzed through XRF Core Scanner by the ISMAR laboratory. In this platform, the user can search and visualize the cores, but also access related information as images, metadata and results. The application and its contents are copyright ISMAR-CNR, for further information, please, contact the data owner or the XRF Core Scan laboratory.
Click on the mapp to enter the XRF Core Scan Archive
The HTML5 web application was implemented by Valentina Grande (ISMAR-CNR) by ArcGIS server and the Moka Content management System (Semenda srl).
CNR-ISMAR staff involved in the activity:
Correggiari Annamaria, Gallerani Andrea, Vigliotti Luigi.