Arbore Popescu Grigore
Chief Technology Officer Degree in Ancient History and Archaeology (University of Bucharest, 1965). Masters degree in Art History (Bucharest University Institute of Plastic Arts, post-graduate course in Art Theory and History, Bucharest, 1970). Doctoral Degree (Ph.D.) in History of Art Magna cum laude, Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa (1975). Ph. D. in Philology, University of Bucharest (1980).
Institute of Marine Sciences - National Research Council
ISMAR-CNR, Castello 1364/a, 30122 Venice, Italy
Phone +39 041 2404711
After terminating his university studies and specialization in the fields of History, World Classics, Archaeology, and Art History, he did an in-depth study on problems related to the History of European Cultural and Civilization. As member of the Centre for the Study of Systems (C.S.S.) of the University of Bucharest, he participated in the interdisciplinary researches regarding the use of the generative grammars in the field of urban planning and analysis of art. The political significance of the researches of news models for developing an alternative socio-economic system, elaborated by the members of the C.S.S., caused the dissolution (1985) of the Center and the emigration or exile of almost all its members. After 1987, in Italy, the interests of Grigore Arbore Popescu concern primarily the History of European Art and the use of the new methodologies and technologies in the interpretation of the importance and in the preservation of the Cultural Heritage. He studied also the problems regarding the cultural and political changes in Central and Eastern Europe.
- In Romania as associate professor he held the course on History of European Civilization (1970-1973) at the Bucharest National University of Fine Arts in the Department of History and Theory of Art.
- Returning to Romania in 1975, he took leave of absence from the Romanian University in the context of the political climate reigning in his country. His dismissal from the faculty of the university for political reasons was final in May 1977. Between 1977 and 1987 (year of expatriation), he was banned from teaching at the university.
- He coordinated, in Romania, between 1970 and 1987, the cultural editorials of the daily newspaper (Scanteia tineretului, 1969 - 1970), weekly reviews (Luceafarul, 1968 - 1969); Viata studenteasca, 1975 - 1987) and monthly journals (Amfiteatru, 1975 - 1987).
- He taught Art History at the University of Pisa (1987- 1989), at the Venice University Institute of Architecture (1990 – 1994, at the University of Ferrara (2000 - 2001).
- He was also scientific advisor (as member to the Scientific Council, between 1987 -1993) of the editorial Group Elemond (Electa - Einaudi - Mondadori). Between 1995 and 2000 he formally collaborated with the publishing house Electa as Project Author and Editor-in-Chief of the monumental work the “Paintings in Europe” book series, translated in many European languages
- Expert to C.N.R. (1991-1995), in charge of consolidating scientific and technological relations with Central and Eastern European countries. He particularly followed scientific collaboration programs with the scope of reorganizing the scientific infrastructures of Central and Eastern European countries in the post 1989 transition.
- From October 1995 to present he has been employed as Chief Technology Officer at CNR.
- Board
member (from 1989) of the “Europa Koiné” Association (O.N.G.) of Venice
which promotes the integration and the cultural and political
cooperation in Europe and the Mediterranean region.
- Founder and president (from 1988 to 1995) of the Center for Latin Studies in Eastern European Countries (Centro Studi per la Latinità Orientale).
- Member
of the Scientific Council of "Dialogo Mediterraneo"(1993-1996), an
initiative of "Europa Koiné", endorsed and economically supported by
the European Commission, the Parliament of Europe, Council of Europe,
Veneto Region and partially by C.N.R., in the first phase of its
- Member (from 1994) of the Director’s Board
and Scientific Council of the Marco Polo Institute of Venice, which
promotes scientific, cultural, and political relations among Italy, EU
countries and Central Asian countries.
- Member of the board of directors (1992-2001) of the International Institute of Economic Cooperation (ICEI), Milan.
- Personal advisor to the President of Romania (1990-1992; 1992-1996; 2000-2004) for the scientific and cultural cooperation and for the political relations with Mediterranean countries.
- Advisor and board member (from 2006) of the Mediterranean Foundation (a Euro-Mediterranean Organization), Rome.
- Grigore Arbore, La città nei trattati di architettura del Quattrocento. In Atti del Secondo Convegno Internazionale di storia urbanistica (1977), Lucca 1978.
- Grigore Arbore, I teorici
dell'architettura del Quattrocento e i problemi della città, in "Revue
roumaine d'histoire d'art", tome XV, 1978.
- Grigore Arbore, Classification dans l'oeuvre de Piero della Francesca, in First International Conference of Automatic Processing Art History, Date and Documents Conference Transaction, II, Pisa, 1978.
- Grigore Arbore, Syntaxe, sémantique et pragmatique en peinture, in Actes de 2-ième Congrès de l'Association Internationale de Sémiotique, Vienna, July 1979.
- Grigore Arbore, Bernini e la stilistica della morte, in Bernini e il Barocco europeo. Atti del Convegno (Roma, 12-19 January 1981), Roma, 1987.
- Grigore Arbore, Le architetture dipinte di Piero della Francesca, in Atti del Congresso internazionale dedicato a Federico di Montefeltro (Urbino, 1982).
- Grigore Arbore, Raffaello e il Settecento, in Atti del Corso di Alta Cultura dedicato a Raffaello dall'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (Roma - April 1984).
- Grigore
Arbore, NicolaeMilescu Spataru e l'enciclopedismo nei Paesi dell'Europa
Orientale nel Seicento, in Enciclopedismo in Roma barocca. Athanasius
Kirchner e e il Museo del Colleggio Romano tra Wunderkammer e museo
scientifico. Atti del Convegno Internazionale Athanasius Kircher e la
metafisica del Barocco (Roma - May 1985), Roma 1988.
- Grigore Arbore, Concezioni utopiche verso la metà dell'Ottocento nei Principati Romeni, in Utopia e modernità. Teorie e prassi utopiche nell'età moderna e postmoderna. Atti del Secondo Congresso Internazionale di Studi sulle Utopie (Roma - May 1986), a cura di Giuseppa Saccaro del Buffa e Arthur O. Lewis, Roma 1989.
- Grigore Arbore, Gli affreschi di Giambattista Tiepolo. In Le chiese d'Italia, vol. II, De Agostani editore , Milano, 1988.
- Grigore
Arbore, Fischer von Erlach e l'eternità del passato, in Atti del IV
Congresso Internazionale sulle Utopie (Roma-Reggio Calabria - May
- Grigore Arbore, Le risorse umane e l'attuale fase di riassetto politico-economico nell'Est europeo, in Atti del Convegno Internazionale Politiche di cooperazione: proposte per un rilancio (Venezia, March 1992), Venezia, 1993.
- Grigore Arbore, Le culture architettoniche dell'Adriatico, negli Atti del Seminario Internazionale La città adriatica: identità e progetto (Pescara, January 1993).
- Grigore Arbore, La cultura della religione e la religione della cultura, in Adriatico: Mare Veneticum - Mare Illyricum. Primo Colloquio del Dialogo mediterraneo (Venezia, 14-16 January 1993).
- Grigore Arbore, I porti del Mediterraneo orientale dall'Ottocento ad oggi e i problemi geopolitici connessi, in Atti del Secondo Colloquio del Dialogo mediterraneo (Venezia, giugno 1993).
- Grigore Arbore, Il "brain-drain" nei Paesi dell'Europa Centrale ed Orientale ed il problema della stabilità dei sistemi "Ricerca & Sviluppo", relazione al Convegno internazionale Est-Ovest: dalla guerra fredda alla integrazione europea (Roma, 3-5 December 1993).
- Grigore Arbore, Conversazioni nell'isola di Afrodite, relazione al V Congresso Internazionale di Studi sulle Utopie (Roma, Cassino, Napoli, Macerata, 22-27 May 1995).
- Grigore Arbore Popescu, Viaggio nello spazio delle lunghe interazioni, in L'Uomo d'Oro: la cultura delle steppe del Kazakhstan dall'età del bronzo alle grandi migrazioni, catalogue of the exhibition…, cit.
- Grigore Arbore Popescu, L'immagine del potere, in La pittura inglese, a cura di M. Kitson e Grigore Arbore Popescu, cit., Electa, Milano ,1998.
- Grigore Arbore Popescu, L'identità religiosa e l'dentità culturale e politica dell'Europa orientale e del sud-est dopo la caduta dell'imperp bizantino, in Cristiani d'Oriente, catalogne of the exhibition…, cit.
- Grigore Arbore Popescu, Le steppe dell'arte, in I cavalieri delle steppe, edited by Grigore Arbore Popescu e Giancarlo Ligabue, cit.
- Grigore Arbore Popescu, Il patrimonio spirituale e la memoria storica, in Icone d'Albania: arte sacra dal XIV al XIX secolo. Albania tra la Mezzaluna e la Croce, catalogue of the exhibition at the Molle Vanvitelliana, Ancona 2002.
- Grigore Arbore Popescu, La cartografia in uso a Venezia tra XIV e XVII secolo e la conoscenza dell’area del Danubio inferiore e del Mar Nero, in AA.VV., Dall’Adriatico al Mar Nero, edited by Grigore Arbore Popescu, cit.
- Grigore Arbore Popescu, Intorno all’”impressionismo magico” e al “doppio stile”, in AA.VV., Tiziano. L’ultimo atto, catalogue of the exhibiton, edited by Lionello Puppi, Skirà, Milano 2007
- Grigore Arbore, Cristo tra i ladroni, in”Ars Transilvaniae”, 2007