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Argnani Andrea

Argnani Andrea

Senior Scientist
Laurea cum laude in Geological Science, 1984, University of Bologna
MSc in Basin Evolution and Dynamics (1987) at Royal Holloway, University of London, UK

Institute of Marine Science - National Research Council
ISMAR-CNR, Via Gobetti 101, 40129 Bologna, Italy

Phone +39 051 6398886


In the last 20 years, Andrea Argnani has carried out research on the tectonic evolution, kinematic reconstructions and geodynamics of the central Mediterranean, with special attention to the Italian region. He is currently focussing on issues such as the flank instability of Mount Etna, the active tectonics of the Messina Straits, and the seismo-tectonics of the central-southern Adriatic sea, with particular attention to the peri-Gargano region. Andrea Argnani has the following professional affiliations: Geological Society of London, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Society of Economic Paleontogists and Mineralogists, Societa’ Geologica Italiana and American Geophysical Union. He is also in the council of the Library of the Research Area of  Bologna CNR.

  • He is in charge of a Research Unit devoted to the study of the flank instability of Mount Etna, within the INGV-DPC Volcanologic Projects. He also contributes to the INGV-DPC Seismological Projects as a sub-unit devoted to study the active tectonics of the peri-Gargano region.
  • He is in charge of five deep-geology sheets of the Cartografia Geologica Marina,1:250.000, in the Adriatic Sea, within an agreement between ISMAR-CNR and the former Geological Survey of Italy.
  • In the Academic Years 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 he has taught a Regional Geology course as contract professor at the University of Ferrara. He has given seminars in many Italian Universities and INGV branches.

He wrote more than 40 scientific papers in ISI journals, 10 papers on Special volumes, and he has delivered over 100 oral presentations at international and national congresses and meetings. He also contributed to the Foglio Ravenna of Cartografia Geologica Marina,1:250.000, as responsible for the deep-geology sheet.

Google Scholar Profile

  • Argnani A. (2009) – Plate Tectonics and the Boundary between Alps and Apennines. Boll. Soc. Gol. It., 128, 317-330.
  • Argnani, A., G. Brancolini, C. Bonazzi, M. Rovere, F. Accaino, F. Zgur, and E. Lodolo (2009) - The results of the Taormina 2006 seismic survey: Possible implications for active tectonics in the Messina Straits. Tectonophysics, 476, 15-169.
  • Argnani A., Rovere M. and Bonazzi C. (2009) - Tectonics of the Mattinata Fault offshore south Gargano (southern Adriatic Sea, Italy): implications on active deformation in the foreland of the Southern Apennines. G.S.A. Bull., 121, 1421-1440.
  • Argnani A., Chiocci F.L., Tinti S., Bosman A., V. Lodi M.V., Pagnoni G., and Zaniboni F. (2009) - Comment on ‘‘On the cause of the 1908 Messina tsunami, southern Italy’’ by Andrea Billi et al. Geoph. Res. Lett., VOL. 36, L13307, doi:10.1029/2009GL037332.
  • Argnani A., Serpelloni E., C. Bonazzi C. (2007) - Pattern of deformation around the central Aeolian Islands: evidence from GPS data and multichannel seismics. Terra Nova, 19, 317-323.
  • Serpelloni E., Vannucci G., Pondrelli S., Argnani A., Casula G., Anzidei M., Baldi P., Gasperini P. (2007) – Kinematics of the Western Africa-Eurasia plate boundary from focal mechanisms and GPS data. Geoph. J. International, 169, 1180-1200.
  • Argnani A. and Bonazzi C. (2005) - Tectonics of Eastern Sicily Offshore. Tectonics, 24, TC4009, doi:10.1029/2004TC001656.
  • Argnani A. (2005) – Possible record of a Triassic ocean in the southern Apennines. Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 124, 109-121.
  • Vannucci G., Pondrelli S., Argnani A., Morelli A., Gasperini P. and Boschi E. (2004) - An Atlas of Mediterranean Seismicity. Annali di Geofisica, suppl. vol. 47, 247-306.
  • Argnani A., Fontana D., Stefani C. and  G. G. Zuffa G.G. (2004) – Late Cretaceous carbonate turbidites of the Northern Apennines: shaking Adria at the onset of Alpine collision. J. Geol., 112, 251-259.
  • Argnani A. (2009) - Evolution of the southern Tyrrhenian slab tear and active tectonics along the western edge of the Tyrrhenian subducted slab. In: Van Hinsbergen, D. J. J., Edwards, M. A. & Govers, R. (eds) Collision and Collapse at the Africa–Arabia–Eurasia Subduction Zone. The Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 311, 193–212.
  • Argnani A., Fontana D., Stefani C. and Zuffa G.G. (2006) - Palaeogeography of the Upper Cretaceous-Eocene carbonate turbidites of the Northern Apennines from provenance studies. In: Moratti G. and Chalouan A. (eds), Tectonics of the Western Mediterranean and North Africa. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 262, 259–275.
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