Bellucci Luca Giorgio
MD in Natural Sciences, 1995, University of Bologna
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Istituto di Scienze Marine - Sede di Bologna Via Gobetti, 101- 40129 Bologna
Phone +39 051 6398851
Determination of fluxes and rates of processes in the marine environment through the analysis of radiotracers. Dynamics and history of marine and lagoon sediment pollution. Physical sediment-water interactions. Use of radionuclide parent-daughter disequilibrium to study particle-solute interaction, residence time of reactive metals, residence times of particles, and sediment resuspension. Fluxes of particulate matter and particle-reactive species in the water column and at the sediment-water interface (sediment traps). Processes of sediment deposition, accumulation, focusing, bioturbation and resuspension.
Sediment pollution and dynamics in Venice Lagoon (Italy), Vietnam, Mexico and Morocco lagoons: analyses of radioactive tracers, heavy metals and organic microcontaminants (PCBs, dioxins, furans, chlorinated pesticides) to assess the relative importance of the sources and the mechanisms of contaminant distribution and accumulation. Quantitative study of bioturbation and resuspension through the use of conservative tracers (luminophores, microspheres). Atmospheric inputs of contaminants. Determination of sediment dynamics and accumulation rates in the lacustrine environment through the analysis of radiotracers. Submarine earthquake geology in the North Atlantic Ocean and in the Mediterranean Sea: study of seismo-turbidites and tsunami deposits in sedimentary sequences.
An updated list of his recent papers is available, when permitted, in open access
- Bellucci L.G., Giuliani S., Mugnai C., Frignani M., Paolucci D., Albertazzi S., Ruiz Fernandez A.C. 2010 “Anthropogenic Metal Delivery in Sediments of Porto Marghera and Venice Lagoon (Italy)” Soil and Sediment Contamination, 19, 42–57.
- Sommerfreund J.K., Gandhi N.,Diamond M.L., Mugnai C., Frignani M., Capodaglio G., Gerino M., Bellucci L.G., S.Giuliani. 2009 “Contaminant fate and transport in the Venice Lagoon: Results from a multi-segment multimedia model” Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, DOI:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2009.11.005
- Berto D., Cacciatore F., Ausili A., Sunseri G., Bellucci L.G., Frignani M., Albertazzi S., Giani M. 2009 “Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) from Diffuse Sources in Coastal Sediments of a Not Industrialised Mediterranean Island” Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 200, 199-209.
- Piazza R., Ruiz-Fernández A.C., Frignani M., Vecchiato M., Bellucci L.G., Gambaro A., Pérez-Bernal L.H., Páez-Osuna F. 2009 “Historical PCB fluxes in the Mexico City Metropolitan Zone as evidenced by a sedimentary record from the Espejo de los Lirios lake” Chemosphere, 5, 1252-1258.
- Piazza R., El Moumni B., Bellucci L.G., Mauro F., Vecchiato M., Giuliani S., Romano S., Zangrando R., Gambaro A. 2009 “Polychlorinated biphenyls in sediments of selected coastal environments in northern Morocco” Marine Pollution Bulletin, 58, 431-438.
- Giuliani S., Sprovieri M., Frignani M., Cu, N.H., Mugnai C., Bellucci L.G., Albertazzi S., Romano S., Feo M.L., Marsella E. 2008 “Presence and origin of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon in sediments of nine coastal lagoons in central Vietnam”. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 56 (8), 1504-1512.
- Bellucci L.G., Frignani M., Cochran J.K., Albertazzi S.,
Collavini F., Cecconi R., Hopkins H. 2007 “210Pb and 137Cs as
chronometers for salt marsh accretion in the Venice Lagoon-Links to
flooding frequency and climate change”. Journal of Environmental
Radioactivity, 97(2-3), 85-102.
- Giuliani S., Radakovitch O., Frignani M., Bellucci L.G. 2007. “Short time scale variations of 234Th/238U disequilibrium on the continental slope of the Gulf of Lions (France)”. Marine Chemistry, 106 (3-4), 403-418.
- Gerino M., Frignani M., Mugnai C., Bellucci L.G., Prevedelli D., Valentini A., Castelli A., Delmotte S., Sauvage S. 2007 “Bioturbation in the Venice Lagoon: rates and relationship to organisms”. Acta Oecologica, 32 (1), 14-25.
- Frignani M., Piazza R., Bellucci L.G. , Cu N.H., Zangrando R.,
Albertazzi S., Moret I., Romano S., Gambaro A. 2007 “Polychlorinated
biphenyls in sediments of the Tam Giang-Cau Hai Lagoon, Central
Vietnam”. Chemosphere, 67 (9), 1786-1793.
- Frignani M., Bellucci L.G., Favotto M., Albertazzi S. 2005.
"Pollution historical trends as recorded by sediments at selected sites
of the Venice Lagoon" Environment International, 31 (7), 1011-1022.