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Bertotti Luciana

Bertotti Luciana

Degree in Mathematics, 1976 at the University of Padua, Italy.

ISMAR Istituto di Scienze Marine-Arsenale - Tesa 104, Castello 2737/F, 30122 Venezia

Phone +39 041 2407955


The interest is mainly focused on the study of the physical processes related to the development and evolution of wind-waves and their modelisation. These are naturally linked to the knowledge of specific atmospheric phenomena and their evolution. The use of satellite data is a further important task for the verification and quantification of the results out of  both the meteorological and the oceanographic models.


The scientific work  has been mainly devoted to numerical modelling of wind driven waves in the oceans and related subjects.

  • application of the 'first generation' wave model VENICE,
  • participation to the development and implementation of the 'third-generation' wave model WAM,
  • extended use of the previous models  for practical  application into different basins, as the Mediterranean and the Adriatic seas, and for comparison with measurements,
  • application of the results to the study of the evolution of extreme storms and to climatology.
  • testing the sensitvity of the results to the accuracy of the input wind fields,
  • cooperation with the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) for the implementation of the WAM model for the daily forecast of the wave conditions in the Mediterranean Sea,
  • implementation and managing of a system for the wave condition forecast in the Adriatic Sea. The system is operational since  1996,
  • implementazion of a system for the wave forecast at the Ciprus Meteorological Centre,
  • implementation and handling of a 'nested' system for the forecast of the sea conditions in the Mediterranean Sea with focus on the  Ionian Sea,
  • cooperation with the Italian National Meteorological Service (CNMCA) for the implementation of a high resolution system for the forecast of the meteorological and the wave conditions in the Mediterranean and the Italian seas,
  • cooperation with the Indian National Institute of Oceanography (NIO) for the study of the swell propagation along the western coast of India.

Internazional activities

  • member of the internazional working groups  WISE, EURO-WAVES and MEDATLAS.
  • member  of the WAM group.
  • partner in the  European Project  RISKMED
  • head-partner in the European Project Equimar

3 books, 40 papers on international journals, 70 conferences.

  • 2009 Bertotti, L. and L.Cavaleri “Wind and wave predictions in the Adriatic Sea” Journal of Marine Systems, Vol. 78, ISSN 0924-7963.
  • 2009 Cavaleri, L., L. Bertotti, R. Buizza, A. Buzzi, V. Masato, G. Umgiesser and A. Zampieri  “Predictability of estreme meteo-oceanographic events in the Adriatic Sea” in pubblicazione su Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
  • 2009 Bertotti, L.,  M.M. Miglietta and Silvio Davolio “Coupling of high-resolution meteorological and wave models over southern Italy” NHESS, Nat. Hazards and Earth Syst. Sci., 9, 1267-1275, 2009,
  • 2009 Bertotti, L., and L.Cavaleri “Large and small scale wave forecast in the Mediterranean Sea” NHESS, Nat. Hazards and Earth System Sciences, May 2009, 9, pp.779-788,
  • 2008 Bertotti, L., and L.Cavaleri “The predictability of the “Voyager” accident” NHESS, Nat. Hazards and Earth System Sciences, May 2008, 8, pp.533-537,
  • 2008 Bertotti, L., and L.Cavaleri “Analysis of the Voyager storm” Ocean Engineering, Vol.35 N1, Jan. 2008, pp. 1-5, ISSN 0029-8018
  • 2007 Ardhuin, F., L.Bertotti, J.R. Bidlot, L.Cavaleri, V. Filipetto, J M Lefevre, P. Wittmann “Comparison of wind and wave measurements and models in the Western Mediterranean Sea” Ocean Engineering, 34 (2007), pp. 526-541.
  • 2006  Bertotti, L., and L. Cavaleri "On the influence of numerics on wave modelled results in the Mediterranean Sea" Il Nuovo Cimento,  pp 9,  DOI:10.1393/ncc/i2005-10210-6, Vol.29 C,N.4, 01 Jun. 2006.
  • 2006  Cavaleri, L., and L.Bertotti "The improvement of modelled wind and wave fields with increasing resolution" Ocean Engineering, Vol. 33, Issues 5-6, Apr. 2006, pp. 553-565.
  • 2004  Cavaleri, L., and L.Bertotti "Accuracy of the modelled wind and wave fields in enclosed seas" Tellus, 56A, pp.167-175.
  • 2003  Cavaleri,L., and L.Bertotti "The characteristics of wind and wave fields modelled with different resolutions" Q.J.R.Meteorolog.Soc., 129, pp.1647-1662.
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