Camatti Elisa
Laurea in Natural Sciences (1998) at University of Padua (Italy)
PhD in Environmental Science (2005) at Ca’ Foscari University (Venice, Italy)
ISMAR Istituto di Scienze Marine-Arsenale - Tesa 104, Castello 2737/F, 30122 Venezia
Phone +39 041 2404712
Since the 1998, she has worked at National Research Council of Venice (CNR-ISMAR) carrying out researches on lagoon and marine plankton organisms, particularly zooplankton taxa. Currently she is studying spatial and temporal zooplankton trends in relation to trophic network, environmental evolution and climate changes. She is interested in the research on the applications of plankton as environmental indicators and on assessing the quality of the marine and coastal zone.
Her research include:
(i) studies of plankton community dynamics in coastal lagoon and marine ecosystems (ii) studies of spatial and temporal zooplankton communities variability related to biotic and abiotic dynamics in lagoon and marine ecosystems (iii) studies of lagoon zooplankton species life cycles (iv) studies on the relationships between plankton biodiversity and hydrochemical parameters (v) developments of the possibility to use plankton for assessing the quality of waters quality (vi) primary production measurements (vii) marine trophic network.
- Taxonomic and biomass determination of zooplankton organisms;
- Ecological study of estuarine and marine plankton communities;
- Analysis of plankton time series in the marine and lagoon environment;
- Primary production determination;
- Ancillary laboratory analysis;
- Sailing on scientific cruises
She wrote about 30 papers in refereed journals and 3 chapters of books (2 international).
- Camatti E., Comaschi A., de Olazabal A., Fonda Umani S. 2008. Annual dynamics of the mesozooplankton communities in a highly variable ecosystem (North Adriatic Sea, Italy). Marine Ecology 29, 387-398.
- Pugnetti A., Buzzoni AM., Beran A., Bernardi Aubry F., Camatti E., Celussi M., Coppola J., Crevatin E., Del Negro P., Paoli A. 2008. Changes in biomass structure of the plankton communities and trophic status in a highly dynamic ecosystem (Gulf of Venice, Northern Adriatic Sea). Marine Ecology 29: 367-374.
- Bandelj, V. Socal, G. , Park, YS, Lek, L. Coppola, J. Camatti, E. Capuzzo, E. Milani, L., Solidoro, C. 2008. Analysis of multitrophic plankton assemblages in the lagoon of Venice. Marine Ecology Progress Series 368: 23–40.
- Camatti E., Comaschi A., Socal G. 2006. Ciclo annuale del mesozooplancton. In (Guerzoni, S. Tagliapietra , D. eds.) Atlante della laguna. Venezia tra terra e mare. Marsilio Editori Venezia. 78-79.
- Camatti E., Comaschi A., Coppola J., Dilani L., Minocci M., Socal G. 2006. Analisi dei popolamenti zooplanctonici nella laguna di Venezia dal 1975 al 2004. Biol. Mar. Medit., 13 (1): 46-53.
- Pugnetti A., Camatti E., Mangoni O., Morabito G., Oggioni A., Saggiomo V. 2006. Phytoplankton production in Italian freshwater and marine ecosystems: state of the art and perspectives. Chemistry and Ecology, 22 suppl. : S49-S69.
- Camatti E., Pampanin D.M., Marangon I., Volpato E., Comaschi A., Socal G., Nasci C. 2006. Biomarker responses in the copepod Acartia tonsa of the Venice lagoon. Supplement to Marine Environmental Research 62, S360-S410.
- Acri F., Bernardi Aubry F., Berton A., Bianchi F., Camatti E., Comaschi A., Rabitti S., Socal G. 2005. Changes in nutrients and plankton communities in the Venice Lagoon. In Flooding and Environmental Challenges for Venice and its Lagoon: State of Knowledge, Cambridge University Press: 557-565
- Pugnetti A., Armeni M., Camatti E., Crevatin E., Dell’Anno A., Del Negro P., Milandri A., Socal G., Fonda Umani S., Danovaro R.. 2005. Imbalance between phytoplankton production and bacterial carbon demand in relation to mucilage formation in the Northern Adriatic Sea. Science of the Total Environment, 353: 162-177.
- Camatti E., Bernardi Aubry F., Comaschi A., Bressan M., Bianchi F. 2004. “Distribuzione del plancton alle tre bocche di porto della laguna di Venezia (luglio 2001-giugno 2002)”. Biol. Mar. Medit. 11 (2): 687-690.
- Acri F., Bernardi Aubry F., Berton A., Bianchi F., Boldrin A., Camatti E., Comaschi A., Rabitti S., Socal G. 2004. Plankton communities and nutrients in the Venice Lagoon. Comparison between current and old data. Special Issue of the Journal of Marine Systems devoted to "Lagoon of Venice. Circulation, Water Exchange and Ecosystem Functioning”. Journal of Marine Systems 51: 321-329.
- Bianchi F., Ravagnan E., Acri F., Bernardi Aubry F., Boldrin A., Camatti E., Cassin D., Turchetto M. 2004. Variability and fluxes of hydrology, nutrients and particulate matter between the Venice lagoon and the Adriatic Sea. Preliminary results (years 2001-2002). Journal of Marine Systems 51: 49-64.
- Bianchi F., Acri F., Bernardi Aubry F., Berton A., Boldrin A., Camatti E., Cassin D., Comaschi A. 2003. Can plankton communities be considered as bio-indicators of water quality in the lagoon of Venice? Marine Pollution Bulletin 46: 964-971.
- Camatti E., Comaschi A., Acri F., 2002. “Variazioni di popolazioni mesozooplanctoniche in Adriatico settentrionale (luglio 1999 – ottobre 2000)”. Biol. Mar. Medit. 9 (1): 441-444.
- Camatti E., Acri F., Bianchi F., Comaschi A. 2001. Variazioni pluriannuali nelle abbondanze del copepode Acartia Margalefi Alcaraz in laguna di Venezia (1971-1999). Biol. Mar. Medit., 8 (1): 523-528.