Cassin Daniele
University Degree in Biology in 1996 at University of Padua, Italy
ISMAR Istituto di Scienze Marine-Arsenale - Tesa 104, Castello 2737/F, 30122 Venezia
Phone +39 041 2404991 - lab. 975
Studies on distribution and spatial-temporal variability of particulate matter in lagoon and coastal environments, and open sea. Examination of the relationship between the horizontal and vertical flows of organic and inorganic particulate matter in relation to physical, chemical and biological conditions.
Research on pollution by POPs (persistent organic pollutants: aliphatic hydrocarbons and PAHs, chlorinated pesticides and PCBs) in sediment, water and organisms of the lagoon and the sea; studies on accumulation and elimination of pollutants in the lagoon and marine organisms. Assessment of the quality of the lagoon and marine environments through the study of sentinel organisms.
- Head of laboratory of organic micropollutants.
- Participation between 2000 and 2009 in 2 trans-national scientific programs (INTERREG) and in12 national and locals.
- Participation between 2000 and 2008 in 15 oceanographic cruises in the Adriatic.
He wrote about 30 papers in refereed journals (9 of which on ISI).
- F. Bianchi, , A. Berton, A. Boldrin, E. Camatti, D. Cassin, A. Comaschi. 2003. Can Plankton Communities Be Considered as Bio-Indicators of Water Quality in the Lagoon of Venice? Marine Pollution Bulletin 46, 964-971.
- G. Galindo Reyes, J. Montes Verduco, D. Cassin, R. Carvajal. 2003. Pollution by polychlorinated biphenyls in an estuary of the Gulf of California. Their toxicity and bioaccumulation in shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. Marine Pollution Bulletin 46, 959-963.
- F. Bianchi , E. Ravagnan, F. Acri, F. Bernardi Aubry, , A. Boldrin, E. Camatti, D. Cassin, M. Turchetto. 2004. Variability and fluxes of hydrology, nutrients and particulate matter between the venice lagoon and the adriatic sea. Preliminary results (years 2001-2002). Journal of Marine Systems 51, 49-64.
- Fabrizio Bernardi Aubry, Francesco Acri, , Franco Bianchi, Daniele Cassin, Alessandra Pugnetti,. 2006. Seasonal and interannual variations of phytoplankton in the gulf of Venice (Northern Adriatic Sea). Chemistry and Ecology, Vol.22 (supplement 1), pp. S71-S91.
- Roberto Zonta, Margherita Botter, Daniele Cassin, Roberto Pini, Mario Scattolin, Luca Zaggia. 2007. Sediment chemical contamination of a shallow water area close to the industrial zone of Porto Marghera (Venice Lagoon, Italy). Marine Pollution Bulletin 55, 529-542.
- De Lazzari A, Berto D., Cassin D., Giani M., Boldrin A., 2008. Do the presence of freshwaters and the stability of the Northern 1 Adriatic waters favour large mucilaginous aggregate formation?. Marine Ecology 29. 469–482.
- Socal G., Acri F., Bastianini M., Bernardi Aubry F., Bianchi F., Cassin D., Coppola J., De Lazzari A., Cossarini G., Solidoro C., 2008. Trophic state of the Northern Adriatic Sea in terms of nutrients and biological tracers. Marine Ecology 29,449–468.
- Ribalet F., Vidoudez C., Cassin D., Pohnert G., Ianora A., Miralto A., and Casotti R., 2009. High plasticity in the production of diatom-derived polyunsaturated aldehydes under nutrient limitation: Physiological and ecological implications. Protist 160, 444-451.
- Nesto N., Cassin D. and Da Ros L., 2009. Polychaetes, Perinereis rullieri (Pilato 1974), as indicators of pcb and pah contaminants in the sediment. In press to Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety.