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Pellegrini Claudio

National Research Council – Institute of Marine Sciences
CNR-ISMAR - Via P. Gobetti, 101, 40129 Bologna (Italy)

Phone +39 051 6398871


Trincardi, F., Amorosi, A., Bosman, A., Correggiari, A., Madricardo, F., Pellegrini, C. (2019). Ephemeral rollover points and clinothem evolution in the modern Po Delta based on repeated bathymetric surveys. Basin Research,

Gamberi, F., Pellegrini, C., Valle, G.D., Scarponi, D., Bohacs, K.M., & Trincardi, F. (2019). Compound and hybrid clinothems of the last lowstand Mid‐Adriatic Deep: Processes, depositional environments, controls and implications for stratigraphic analysis of prograding systems. Basin Research,

Patruno, S., Scisciani, V., Helland‐Hansen, W., D’Intino, N., Reid, W., & Pellegrini, C. (2019). Upslope‐climbing shelf‐edge clinoforms and the stepwise evolution of the northern European glaciation (lower Pleistocene Eridanos Delta system, UK North Sea): When sediment supply overwhelms accommodation. Basin Research,

Rovere, M., Pellegrini, C., Chiggiato, J., Campiani, E., & Trincardi, F. (2019). Impact of dense bottom water on a continental shelf: An example from the SW Adriatic margin. Marine Geology, 408, 123-143,

Pellegrini, C., Asioli, A., Bohacs, K.M., Drexler, T.M., Feldman, H.R., Sweet, M.L., Maselli, V., Rovere, M., Gamberi, F., Valle, G.D., & Trincardi, F. (2018). The late Pleistocene Po River lowstand wedge in the Adriatic Sea: Controls on architecture variability and sediment partitioning. Mar. Pet. Geol. 96, 16–50, doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2018.03.002

Madricardo, F., Foglini, F., Kruss, A., Ferrarin, C., Pizzeghello, N., Murri, C., Rossi, M., Bajo, M., Bellafiore, D., Campiani, E., Fogarin, S., Grande, V., Janowski, L., Keppel, E., Leidi, E., Lorenzetti, G., Maicu, F., Maselli, V., Mercorella, A., Montereale Gavazzi, G., Minuzzo, T., Pellegrini, C., Petrizzo, A., Pramprolini, M., Remia, A., Rizzetto, F., Rovere, M., Sarretta, A., Sigovini, M., Sinapi, L., Umgiesser, G., & Trincardi, F. (2017). High-resolution multibeam and hydrodynamic datasets of tidal channels and inlets of the lagoon of Venice, Scientific data, 4, 170121, DOI: 10.1038/sdata.2017.121

Maselli, V., Pellegrini, C., Del Bianco, F., Mercorella, A., Nones, M., Crose, L., Guerrero, M., & Nittrouer, J. A. (2018). River morphodynamic evolution under dam-induced backwater: an example from the Po River (Italy). Journal of Sedimentary Research, 88(10), 1190-1204,

Pellegrini, C., Bohacs, K. M., Drexler, T. M., Gamberi, F., Rovere, M., & Trincardi, F. (2017). Identifying the sequence boundary in over-and under-supplied contexts: the case of the late Pleistocene Adriatic continental margin. In Sequence Stratigraphy: the Future Defined, Proceedings of the 36th Annual Perkins-Rosen Research Conference (pp. 160-182).

Pellegrini, C., Maselli, V., Gamberi F., Asioli, A., Kevin M. Bohacs, M.K., Drexler, M.T., & Trincardi, F. (2017). How to make a 350-m-thick lowstand systems tract in 17,000 years: The Late Pleistocene Po River (Italy) lowstand wedge. Geology, 45(4), 327-330,

Pellegrini, C., Maselli, V., Trincardi, F. (2016). Pliocene–Quaternary contourite depositional system along the south-western Adriatic margin: changes in sedimentary stacking pattern and associated bottom currents, Geo-Marine Letters, v. 36, p. 67-79, doi: 10.1007/s00367-015-0424-4.

Pellegrini, C., Maselli, V., Cattaneo, A., Piva, A., Ceregato, A., Trincardi, F. (2015). Anatomy of a compound delta from the post-glacial transgressive record in the Adriatic Sea, Marine Geology journal, v. 362, p. 43-59, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2015.01.010.

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