Turchetto Margherita
Research scientist.
Degree in Natural Sciences (1990) and in Biological Sciences (1993), University of Padua
Institute of Marine Science - National Research Council ISMAR-CNR, Castello 1364/a, 30122 Venice, Italy
Phone +39 041 2404721
Biological oceanography; biogeochemical cycles, with particular regard to carbon cycle in marine and estuarine environments; particulate matter characterisation, transport and sedimentation; downward particle fluxes measured by sediment traps.
Participation in several national and international research projects as: SOMFlood, UE HERMIONE, V.E.C.T.O.R. , UE HERMES, UE EUROSTRATAFORM, UE Eurodelta, INTERREG II, Prisma 2- Cicli biogeochimici , Prisma - Cicli biogeochimici ed indagini ecofisiologiche, UE MAST III- MATER, UE MAST – OTRANTO.
Participation in several oceanographic cruises
CTD data acquisition and processing by multiparametric CTD probes.
Sampling, and analyses of particulate matter water samples.
Processing and analyses of sediment trap samples.
Grain size analysis of particulate matter and sediments by Coulter Counter
Chemical and grain size analysis of sediments.
- De Lazzari A., A. Boldrin, S. Rabitti, M.M. Turchetto 1999. Variability and downward fluxes of particulate matter in the Otranto Strait. Journal of Marine Systems 20/1-4: 399-413.
- Socal G., A. Boldrin, F. Bianchi, G. Civitarese, A. De Lazzari, S. Rabitti, C. Totti, M. M.Turchetto 1999. Nutrient, particulate matter and phytoplankton variability in the photic layer of the Otranto Strait. Journal of Marine Systems 20/1-4: 381-398.
- Bianchi F., F. Acri, L. Alberighi, M. Bastianini, A. Boldrin, B. Cavalloni, F. Cioce, A. Comaschi, S. Rabitti, G. Socal, M.M. Turchetto 2000. The Lagoon of Venice: A Biological Variability Study. In "Venice Lagoon Ecosystem". UNESCO, 97-125.
- Turchetto M.M., Boldrin A., Rabitti S., Acri F., Comaschi A. 2002. Particulate matter and downward flux in the northern and central Adriatic Sea. Chemistry and Ecology, vol 18, 1-2: 127-141.
- Boldrin A., Miserocchi S., Rabitti S., Turchetto M.M., Balboni V., Socal G. 2002. Particulate matter in the Southern Adriatic and Ionian Sea: characterisation and downward fluxes. Journal of Marine System 33-34: 389-410.
- Bianchi F., Ravagnan E., Acri F., Bernardi Aubry F., Boldrin A., Camatti E., Cassin D., Turchetto M. 2004. Variability and fluxes of hydrology, nutrients and particulate matter between the Venice Lagoon and the Adriatic Sea. Preliminary results (years 2001-2002). Journal of Marine System 51: 49-64.
- Boldrin A., Langone L., Miserocchi S., Turchetto M., Acri F. 2005. Po River plume on the Adriatic continental shelf. Dispersion and sedimentation of dissolved and suspended matter during different river discharge rates. Marine Geology 222-223, 135-158.
- Turchetto M., Boldrin A., Langone L., Miserocchi S., Tesi T., Foglini F. 2007. Particle transport associated with the Bari Canyon (southern Adriatic Sea). Marine Geology 246, 231-247.
- Tesi T., Miserocchi S., Goñi M. A., Langone L., Boldrin A., Turchetto M. 2007. Organic matter origin and distribution in suspended particulate materials and surficial sediments, from the western Adriatic Sea (Italy). Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 73, 431-446.
- T. Tesi, L. Langone, M. A. Goñi, M. Turchetto, S. Miserocchi, A. Boldrin 2008. Source and composition of organic matter in the Bari canyon (Italy): dense water cascading vs particulate export from the upper ocean. Deep Sea Research I, 155, 813-831.